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syntax-tree is an organization that contains 100+ projects that deal with syntax trees based on unist. These trees typically deal with content: markdown (mdast), HTML (hast), natural language (nlcst), XML (xast), but also JavaScript (esast).

  • to learn unist, see its readme
  • you can use syntax trees without having to deal with them, by using unified and its plugins


syntax-tree is part of the unified collective, which brings together organisations that work with content as structured data.

Get involved

πŸ‘‰ Note: By interacting with this organization or community you agree to abide by our code of conduct.


  1. unist unist Public

    Universal Syntax Tree used by @unifiedjs

    831 21

  2. mdast mdast Public

    Markdown Abstract Syntax Tree format

    995 46

  3. hast hast Public

    Hypertext Abstract Syntax Tree format

    695 25

  4. nlcst nlcst Public

    Natural Language Concrete Syntax Tree format

    199 10

  5. xast xast Public

    Extensible Abstract Syntax Tree

    58 2

  6. esast esast Public

    ECMAScript Abstract Syntax Tree format

    44 2


Showing 10 of 138 repositories

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