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Readme to GitHub pages template

Templete to use Snowpack to build a React, TypeScript and SASS static website and publish it as a GitHub page from a file.

## Quick Start

You don't need to use directly this repository but to create a GitHub Workflow that uses it, like the following:

name: Publish Website to GitHub Pages

    branches: # triggers on any push to master
    - master

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      template-dir: ./gh-pages-template

    # copy your repo to actions
    - uses: actions/checkout@master

    # clone this repo to a subdir
    - uses: actions/checkout@master
        repository: synx-ai/gh-pages-template
        path: ${{env.template-dir}}

    # clone the "" file, you may edit this
    # please note that only markdown and mdx files are supported and
    # filenames are case sensitive.
    - name: 🧬 cloning
      uses: canastro/copy-file-action@master
        source: ""
        target: "gh-pages-template/src/"

    - name: ⚙️ Install dependencies
      working-directory: ${{env.template-dir}}
      run: yarn install

    - name: 🧪 Test
      working-directory: ${{env.template-dir}}
      run: yarn test

    - name: 🛠 Build
      working-directory: ${{env.template-dir}}
      run: yarn build

    # this will deploy to gh-pages branch, remember to enable it in repo settings
    - name: 🚀 Deploy
      uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
        github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        publish_dir: ./docs

And that's it! Page should be available.


All info needed is extracted from package.json, if you repo den't have one, be sure to create a gh-pages.config.json containing the following fields:

// gh-pages.config.json
  "name": "This should be the title.",
  "description": "Explain to world how awesome your project is.",
  "baseUrl": "/subdir/",
  "repository": {
    "url": ""

Customize the template

Clone this repo and freely edit public and src.

Available Scripts

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console.

yarn build

Builds a static copy of your site to the ../docs folder. Your app is ready to be deployed!