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Change Log Generator

A swift package to generate change log for github repositories. The change log can be automatically stored into a file.


You can use the precompiled executable changelog or ues make to create a new release. You can also use swift run changelog to run the script.

./changelog generate --repository AFNetworking/AFNetworking --type=complete --output=./

It procuces an output similar to below




When using the github action these are the inputs and outputs for the tool


Input Default Description
token github.token The token used for github API
outputFile * The file to output to. If not provided only the action output is generated
since * The tag to generate the changelog since
sinceLatestRelease * true/false whether to generate since the latest release
complete * true/false whether to generate the complete changelog
nextTag * The next tag to bundle all the untagged pull requests into
filter * Filter regular expression to ignore all matching pull requests from the changelog
labels * Labels to group pull requests by
excludedLabels * Labels to exclude from the changelog
branch * The target branch for the changelog. When provided only pull requests merged into the branch are included
includeUntagged true true/false whether to include untagged pull requests in the changelog
verbose * true/false Whether to enable verbose logging. The verbose logs also become part of the outputs
use-compiled true true/false Whether to use the precompiled executable or not. This is never used for linux.


Output Description
changelog The changelog generated during the run

Environment Variables

CHANGELOG_GENERATED_VALUE : Contains the changelog generated during run