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A framework to visualize hierarchical and non-hierarchical relations

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Graph Hierarchical Treemap

A simple framework for visualizing hierarchical data with interconnected relationships.

1. Demos

1.1. Small Monochromatic (~30 rects)

alt text

1.2. Large Monochromatic(~14k rects)

alt text

1.3. Larger Polychromatic(~70k rects)

alt text

1.4. Larger Polychromatic Pan Zoom(~80k rects)

alt text

1.4.1. Zoom Area 1

alt text

1.4.2. Zoom Area 2

alt text

1.5. Large Mosaic Pan Zoom(~40k rects)

alt text

2. How to use

2.1. Minimal example

Refer to

2.2. Dependencies

Load the following dependencies before loading this script

  • d3.v6.min.js
  • jquery-3.5.1.slim.min.js eg
<script  src=""></script>
<script  src=""></script>


You may want to setup svg-pan-zoom for a better navigation experience.

<script src=""></script>

2.3. Function signature

The rendering function drawGraphHierarchicalTreemap has 4 arguments, of which 2, both being color functions, are optional.

	rectColoring, // optional
	lineColoring // optional

Refer to for a running example.

2.3.1. nodes

Each node has 3 parameters: n(UNIQUE name), v(value), c(children). Root node MUST always be named "root". v is used by d3's treemap for calculating the node's relative rectangle size.

let data = {
    n: "root", // always starts with root node
    v: 1, // just set as 1, needed because of d3's sizing algo
    c: [
        n: "a", // child a
        v: 1,
        c: [{ n: "qwe", v: 1, c: [] }],
        n: "b", //child b
        v: 1,
        c: [
          { n: "ba", v: 1, c: [] },
          { n: "asd", v: 1, c: [] },
          { n: "qwe", v: 1, c: [] },

2.3.2. links

Links contain directional information of the node data. They are described using key-value pairs, where keys are unique node names (node.n) of source nodes and values are a set of destination node names these sources are linked to.

let  links = { // 1 source, qwe to 2 destinations ba and bc
	"qwe":  new  Set(["ba", "bc"]),

The above example illustrate the following relationships: qwe ->ba, qwe -> bc

2.3.3. rectColoring(optional)

rectColoring defines how rectangles should be colored according to their first ancestor name.

Using the example below, a 'a.b.4.6.2.v' rectangle, would have first ancestor 'a', hence interpolateBlues is used based on the example. 'a.b.4.6.2.v' is 5 levels(from 0), hence the color for the rectangle would be d3.scaleSequential([GraphHierarchicalTreemap.maxDepth, 0], d3.interpolateBlues)(5)

maxDepth is set to 10.

let rectColoring = (firstAncestorName) => {
    // ref
    let colors = {
        'a': d3.scaleSequential([GraphHierarchicalTreemap.maxDepth, 0], d3.interpolateBlues),
        'b': d3.scaleSequential([GraphHierarchicalTreemap.maxDepth, 0], d3.interpolateReds),
    return colors[firstAncestorName]

2.3.4. lineColoring(optional)

You can also define coloring function for lines to depict different colors at different layers

let  lineColoring = d3.scaleSequential([GraphHierarchicalTreemap.maxDepth, 0], d3.interpolateCool)

2.4. Notes

  • Lines always leave source nodes from the upper sides and join destination nodes from the lower sides
  • Currently drawing up to a minimum length of 10 pixels for either side for rectangles
  • Maximum depth drawn is 10.


A framework to visualize hierarchical and non-hierarchical relations







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