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This is an example project, to demonstrate my skills and best practices.

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Movie Database


What is the Movie Database app?

It allows users to search for specific movies based on their title. The app also allows users to find detailed information about the movie itself. Moreover, users are able to keep a list of their favorite movies.

Tech Stack used:

  • Vite + ReactJS with Typescript
  • React-Router
  • Axios
  • React-Query
  • Zustand
  • React-Helmet
  • TailwindCSS
  • Shadcn UI
  • Framer Motion
  • Vercel

Script descriptions

In this section, I will describe the scripts that play the most important roles in the application.


loadSearchedMovies(query: string, page: number) This function is responsible for fetching basic movie data from the OMDB API. It is used to list out movies that match the search query. It requires both of the props. The function returns the following objects: Search, totalResults, page

  • query prop is used for getting the movies searched by its title
  • page props is used for pagination

loadMovieDetails(imdbID: string) This function is responsible for fetching a specific movie based on its imdbID. It returns detailed information about the specific movie. The function returns one object.

  • imdbID prop is required


In my opinion, Infinite Scroll provides a better user experience. For this, the useInfiniteQuery hook is used from React-Query in combination with a library called react-infinite-scroll-component. This allowed an easy implementation of the infinite scroll feature. Moreover, useInfiniteQuery caches the fetched results, which means if we check a movie's details and navigate back, the list of fetched movies stay on the page, and the scroll position is also persisted.

Also, useInfiniteQuery provides state statuses, such as isLoading which allows to ditch unnecessary "spaghetti code".

The search query is extracted from the URL and is getting passed to the loadSearchedMovies function.


To fetch detailed movie information the useQuery hook is used from React-Query. The imdbID of the movie is need for this. The ID is extracted from the URL and is getting passed to the loadMovieDetails function.

Storing the list of Favorite movies

For this feature, the state management library Zustand is used, since it allows for persisting state on the client side. This is where the list of favorite movies is maintained.

Next, it is also being used for keeping track of the previous search query. This is needed when a user searches for a new movie title, and the cached list of movies need to be removed from the cache.


This is an example project, to demonstrate my skills and best practices.






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