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Eat Right

Eat Right is a calorie counter, calorie prediction and also has a section where you can share your favorite recipe with anyone who vists the app as well as view recipes submitted by others. When we are brainstorming about what project to make, We tried to focus on projects that would be useful to anyone who used it regardless of their background or age. We wanted to the project to have a purpose and We felt this could be a useful project. We have always been an advocate of eating and staying healthy, this project felt as an opportunity to help solve a problem related to what We have an interest in. Everybody loves food, everybody eats but is everybody aware of their daily calorie intake or how many calories are contained in what they eat? Probably not. Not knowing this information means you are going to be eating way above your calorie limit or way below, neither of which is great for your health. This project seeked to solve that problem, provide useful food information and also healthy food recipes from around the world.

Here we will discuss on how the app works. We will describe the step by step. So Hop on board and lets Begin.

eat right icon Click here to check out the deployed app.

Get to know the developers:

👦 Kaleab Tesfaye
     [ Twitter      Github      Linkedin ]

👩 Samra Solomon
     [ Twitter      Github      Linkedin ]

👦 Tony Baidoo
     [ Twitter      Github      Linkedin ]

Pre-Requisites   •   Running The App   •   Files Description   •   Features


  • Python
    1. pip3
    2. Flask
    3. flask_cors
    4. Sqlalchemy
    5. MySQLdb
  • Mysql
    1. Mysql Server

For installation use the table below

(NB: Installation commands are for Linux only, please find the required installation process for each package based on your OS)

Packages Installation
Python3 sudo apt-get install python3.8
pip3 sudo apt install python3-pip
Flask pip install Flask
MySQLdb sudo apt-get install python3-dev
  sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
  sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
  sudo pip3 install mysqlclient
Sqlalchemy pip install SQLAlchemy
flask-cors pip install Flask-Cors

Running the app

To run this app locally, you first need to clone this repo:

crz@user:~$ git clone

Next, enter the directory of the cloned repo and do an import of the sql dump; dumpable.sql:

crz@user:~$ cd Eat_Right
crz@user:~/Eat_Right$ cat dumpable | sudo mysql -p
Enter password:

This will import all necessary data, needed for the app, into mysql.

Next, open the file; for_running_flask.txt and run both commands at the root of the repo (using two separate terminals) to start the app:

crz@user:~$ cd Eat_Right
crz@user:~/Eat_Right$ cat for_running_flask.txt
for running API

user=eat_right_devs password=eat_right_dev_pwd host=localhost database=eat_right_db api_host= port=5001 python3 -m

for running webpage

user=eat_right_devs password=eat_right_dev_pwd host=localhost database=eat_right_db python3 -m web_dynamic.eat_right
#terminal 1
crz@user:~$ user=eat_right_devs password=eat_right_dev_pwd host=localhost database=eat_right_db api_host= port=5001 python3 -m
 * Serving Flask app 'app' (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on all addresses (
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
 * Running on

#terminal 2
crz@user:~$ user=eat_right_devs password=eat_right_dev_pwd host=localhost database=eat_right_db python3 -m web_dynamic.eat_right
 * Serving Flask app 'eat_right' (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on all addresses (
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
 * Running on

The webpage will be served at

Files Description

Files Description
dumpable.sql This is the sql file that holds the statements used to create and populate the database.
for_running_flask.txt Inside this file you'll find the commands to run the webpage and api. You need to open two terminals, one for each to run on.
sample_images Sample recipe images to use for recipe submission.
sample_recipes.txt Sample recipes to use for recipe submission.
tables This folder will hold the backend portion of how the models are created and how the database runs.
api This folder will hold all the routes we used on the backend to make the front-end dynamic.
web_dynamic This folder holds the html, css, flask templates, javascript of the webpage.
web_static This folder hold the static content of the webpage, html and css
AUTHORS file contains email and the github usernames of the developers of this project.


Landing Page

landing page

This is the landing page. On the top are links you can click on to take you to the different areas of the webpage

Calorie Predictor

calorie predictor for all

Here is the calorie predictor. You will click or type in your information, such as your age, gender and activity level and it will show you how much your calorie intake should be.

calorie predictor for women

It gives alternative options for women who are pregnant as well.

Once you know how much your daily intake should be, you can go to the calorie counter section.

Calorie Counter

Calorie Counter

Counting Calories

Here you'll put in your meals to determine how much calories you ate.

Example: This person had clicked on 'Add Item' and we can see that they ate Chicken for supper that is of one Unit.

We can also see that, chicken of one unit is 189.2 Calories.

What you'll do is add your breakfast, lunch, and supper meals then the counter will display how much you ate. You will then get to compare it with the amount of daily calories intake of calorie predictor. User can remove food items by clicking on the red dash on the right of each row.


Searching recipes

Here you will find a list of recipes people from around the world have submitted. You can even search for recipe you are looking for by searching.

Each card comes with image of the food, name of the food, user who submitted the food and a badge on top to tell you the category of the food. It can be Snack, Dish, Soup, Stew, Drink...etc.

When you click on each card a pop-op will appear to show you the ingredients and preparation of the meal

viewing Recipe

This section also comes with add recipe card where you can add your favorite dishes on the page. Click on the 'Plus sign' on the grey Add recipe and you'll find a submit form.

Adding Recipes

The Submit form has many input fields where one can fill out. There is user name, recipe name, choose image(Image of the food), category(List of categories to pick from), Ingredients(It shows you how to place ingredients), and preparation(It also show you how to add preparation section).

Once you fill out all the required input, you then click submit. It will then be displayed on recipe section.

Above we mentioned files called sample_images and sample_recipe.txt. These files have sample recipes you can try on the submit form.


Eat Right is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more information.


Calorie counter and recipes project






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