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TddWizard Fixture library

Latest Version on Packagist Software License Build Status Coverage Status Quality Score Code Climate

Magento 2 Fixtures by Fabian Schmengler


What is it?

An alternative to the procedural script based fixtures in Magento 2 integration tests.

It aims to be:

  • extensible
  • expressive
  • easy to use


Install it into your Magento 2 project with composer:

composer require --dev tddwizard/magento2-fixtures


  • Magento 2.3 or Magento 2.4
  • PHP 7.3 or 7.4 (7.1 and 7.2 is allowed via composer for full Magento 2.3 compatibility but not tested anymore)

Usage examples:


If you need a customer without specific data, this is all:

protected function setUp(): void
  $this->customerFixture = new CustomerFixture(
protected function tearDown(): void

It uses default sample data and a random email address. If you need the ID or email address in the tests, the CustomerFixture gives you access:


You can configure the builder with attributes:

      'my_custom_attribute' => 42

You can add addresses to the customer:


Or just one:


The CustomerFixture also has a shortcut to create a customer session:



Similar to the customer builder you can also configure the address builder with custom attributes:

      'my_custom_attribute' => 42


Product fixtures work similar as customer fixtures:

protected function setUp(): void
  $this->productFixture = new ProductFixture(
          'my_custom_attribute' => 42
protected function tearDown(): void

The SKU is randomly generated and can be accessed through ProductFixture, just as the ID:



To create a quote, use the CartBuilder together with product fixtures:

$cart = CartBuilder::forCurrentSession()
    $productFixture2->getSku(), 10 // optional qty parameter
$quote = $cart->getQuote();

Checkout is supported for logged in customers. To create an order, you can simulate the checkout as follows, given a customer fixture with default shipping and billing addresses and a product fixture:

$customerFixture = new CustomerFixture(CustomerBuilder::aCustomer()->withAddresses(

$checkout = CustomerCheckout::fromCart(

$order = $checkout->placeOrder();

It will try to select the default addresses and the first available shipping and payment methods.

You can also select them explicitly:

$order = $checkout


The OrderBuilder is a shortcut for checkout simulation.

$order = OrderBuilder::anOrder()->build(); 

Logged-in customer, products, and cart item quantities will be generated internally unless more control is desired:

$order = OrderBuilder::anOrder()
        // prepare catalog product fixtures
        // define cart item quantities
        CartBuilder::forCurrentSession()->withSimpleProduct('foo', 2)->withSimpleProduct('bar', 3)


Orders can be fully or partially shipped, optionally with tracks.

$order = OrderBuilder::anOrder()->build();

// ship everything
$shipment = ShipmentBuilder::forOrder($order)->build();
// ship only given order items, add tracks
$shipment = ShipmentBuilder::forOrder($order)
    ->withItem($fooItemId, $fooQtyToShip)
    ->withItem($barItemId, $barQtyToShip)
    ->withTrackingNumbers('123-FOO', '456-BAR')


Orders can be fully or partially invoiced.

$order = OrderBuilder::anOrder()->build();

// invoice everything
$invoice = InvoiceBuilder::forOrder($order)->build();
// invoice only given order items
$invoice = InvoiceBuilder::forOrder($order)
    ->withItem($fooItemId, $fooQtyToInvoice)
    ->withItem($barItemId, $barQtyToInvoice)

Credit Memo

Credit memos can be created for either all or some of the items ordered. An invoice to refund will be created internally.

$order = OrderBuilder::anOrder()->build();

// refund everything
$creditmemo = CreditmemoBuilder::forOrder($order)->build();
// refund only given order items
$creditmemo = CreditmemoBuilder::forOrder($order)
    ->withItem($fooItemId, $fooQtyToRefund)
    ->withItem($barItemId, $barQtyToRefund)

Fixture pools

To manage multiple fixtures, fixture pools have been introduced for all entities:

Usage demonstrated with the ProductFixturePool:

protected function setUp()
    $this->productFixtures = new ProductFixturePool;

protected function tearDown()

public function testSomethingWithMultipleProducts()
    $this->productFixtures->add(ProductBuilder::aSimpleProduct()->build(), 'foo');

    $this->productFixtures->get();      // returns ProductFixture object for last added product
    $this->productFixtures->get('foo'); // returns ProductFixture object for product added with specific key 'foo'
    $this->productFixtures->get(0);     // returns ProductFixture object for first product added without specific key (numeric array index)

Config Fixtures

With the config fixture you can set a configuration value globally, i.e. it will ensure that it is not only set in the default scope but also in all store scopes:

ConfigFixture::setGlobal('general/store_information/name', 'Ye Olde Wizard Shop');

It uses MutableScopeConfigInterface, so the configuration is not persisted in the database. Use @magentoAppIsolation enabled in your test to make sure that changes are reverted in subsequent tests.

You can also set configuration values explicitly for stores with ConfigFixture::setForStore()



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.