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[!ERROR] If you see this warning in Obsidian you opened the wrong folder TAO-Wiki in Obsidian as your vault. Instead open the notes folder, not the folder you cloned the repo in which is TAO-Wiki

TAO-Wiki (you opened this one)
└── notes/... (instead use this)

This repo hosts

This README is not included in the wiki, everything in the notes folder is included in the wiki.

Guidelines for editing

  • don't use colons in filenames., alphanumerical _- only 🙏
  • if linking/referencing other notes, use wikilinks and edit with Obsidian if possible.

Simple in browser edit

  • To update this wiki, simply edit any .md files in the notes folder.
  • After being merged in the main branch an action will auto update the github-page
  • The github page can be found on

Advanced edit with Obsidian

⚠️ Obsidian settings & installed plugins are committed, carefull when editing them ⚠️

  1. fork and clone this repo
  2. install Obsidian
  3. Open the repo folder with obsidian.
  4. make edits like usual, any updates should be auto pushed to your fork
  5. create a PR, after merge of your PR the github-page will auto update


  • we use mkdocs to auto convert markdown files to HTML
  • we use github actions to automate the build process.
  • any commit to the main branch triggers a copy of the notes from main to mkdocs branch
  • any commit in the mkdocs branch triggers a mkdocs build, to auto convert the markdown to html, using the settings in mkdocs.yml
  • html output is saved in the gh-pages branch. this is where all the HTML stuff like css files etc live. (right now the build HTML files aren't actually committed)
  • the files from the gh-pages branch are then automatically uploaded to github-pages by the github action.

You can easily set this up yourself with the wiki-template from @hannesdelbeke


Github actions and site build code is currently AGPL, because some AGPL python hooks were used from obsidian-mkdocs-publisher-template