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Tekuma Curator Portal

The curators interface for accessing the Tekuma Art Database

Workflow and versioning

Instructions for deploying are given near the end of this document. Deployment corresponds to the tip of master branch. As such, development should occur on branches other than master. The version number is kept in package.json. Currently, there is no practice of tagging commits because merges into master branch represent releases.


Note that logging behavior and (eventually) some other aspects of operation are affected by whether the environment variable NODE_ENV equals 'production'. For development, you should use

export NODE_ENV=debug

e.g., which provides verbose logging. If you use ./ during development and ./ (both of which are described elsewhere in this document), then manually changing NODE_ENV should not be necessary.

To start the development Web server, use


which depends on nginx to be installed on the development system. Instructions to obtain nginx are available at For testing, client-side code is provider by webpack-dev-server, which monitors app/ and automatically updates the output (no need to npm run build during development). As part of, the search process binds stdin, so you can stop it using Ctrl-C (also known as keyboard interrupt or SIGINT).

Now, GET to interact with the development server.


Tests particular client-side

To get the Selenium standalone server that the curator-portal configuration of Nightwatch ( is expecting,


For end-to-end testing, install ChromeDriver ( On an Ubuntu host, try

sudo apt-get install chromium-chromedriver

On Debian GNU/Linux, use instead apt-get install chromedriver.

Note that nightwatch.json lists the path of the ChromeDriver executable as /usr/lib/chromium-browser/chromedriver, which is consistent with the location from the chromium-chromedriver deb package. You might need to change the path on other systems. In particular, on Debian, it is /usr/lib/chromium/chromedriver.

Tests of server-side software

To perform all tests on the server software,

npm run testserv

The default testing configuration does NOT require access to a MySQL database. Instead, an in-memory SQLite database is used. The database provider during testing can be chosen via the environment variable TEKUMA_TEST_DB. If it is not defined or TEKUMA_TEST_DB=sqlite, SQLite is used. To use MySQL (consult notes below about how to access various MySQL servers),

export TEKUMA_TEST_DB=mysql

There are several possibilities for creating or using a MySQL database for testing. During testing, it is critical not to use the production database because insertions, deletions, and other table modifications. Each possibility for MySQL servers that is currently supported during testing is described below.

For both client and server-side testing, there is a mock of the firebase NodeJS package. The Tekuma repository of it can be found at To install it locally, clone the repository and then use a command of the form

npm install /path/to/mock-firebase

For it to be used client-side, replace all imports from firebase to mock-firebase, e.g., by

sed -i "s/from 'firebase'/from 'mock-firebase'/g" app/**/*.jsx

It should be possible to automate this as part of testing, e.g., using webpack. (low priority, unassigned task)

Using the remote testing, staging host

For SSH to accept the private key, the file permissions must not allow read access by users other than you. E.g., this can be achieved from

chmod 600 conf/keys/staging

Using an existing remote database

There is a CloudSQL database named "test-artworkdb" on the Google Cloud project curator-tekuma. If it does not exist, note that the next section describes how to create a remote CloudSQL database for testing. If it exists, then it should suffice to change server-config.json to point to the relevant remote testing database configuration:

"artworkdb": "./test-remote-dbconf.json"

Initializing a remote database for testing

Go to the the Google Cloud project curator-tekuma, and perform the following:

  1. create a new "2nd generation" CloudSQL instance;
  2. go to the instance details, and select the "Access Control" tab;
  3. select the "SSL" sub-tab;
  4. select the option to require that all connections use SSL;
  5. click on the button "Create a Client Certificate", and download all certificates and keys; there should be three: the server CA, and the client key and client certificate;
  6. now select the "Users" sub-tab (still within the "Access Control" tab), and change the root password;
  7. select the "Authorisation" sub-tab (still within the "Access Control" tab), and authorize a network for accessing the instance.

Create a database named Tekuma_artworkdb, and then enter initial data from tests/initdb.sql in the sourcetree.

mysql -uroot '--password=PASSPHRASE' --host= --ssl-cert=serv/cert/test-sql-client-cert.pem --ssl-key=serv/cert/test-sql-client-key.pem --ssl-ca=serv/cert/test-sql-server-ca.pem < conf/initdb.sql

Creating a local MySQL database in a Docker container To get it, docker pull mysql:latest

To initialize a local MySQL database in a Docker container for testing,


and use the connection configuration in tests/testdbconf.json by changing server-config.json to point to the relevant remote testing database configuration:

"artworkdb": "../tests/testdbconf.json"

Code style

Some of the details of the preferred code style of Tekuma remain to be fixed. Meanwhile, certain aspects of style are fixed, such as that indentation is in units of 4 spaces, no tab characters.

Though their usage is not required, there are linting configurations available for ESLint that you can run using

npm run lint

----- Deployment -----

  1. master branch is supposed to match the site as it is deployed. As such, before following the instructions below, increment the version number in package.json, and merge all changes into master branch.
  2. Change server-config.json to have `"artworkdb": "./remote-dbconf.json"
  3. SSH into the server (curator-tekuma-1) at with username 'tekuma'
  4. type tmux attach
  5. Kill the active server with cltr-c
  6. Stop static serving with sudo nginx -s stop
  7. restart static serving with sudo nginx -c pwd/conf/nginx.conf
  8. restart active server with ./autorestart
  9. cltr-b d to exit tmux screen.


Interface for the Curation database






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