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terminal42 Contao Build Tools

This is an experimental repository to ease configuration of Contao bundles and websites.



This repo contains some highly opinionated configurations for our extensions and websites. The CQ and CS tools currently assume that your bundle or application is set up according to Symfony Best Practice for applications or bundles, meaning there is an src/ directory where all your application or bundle code lives in, but none of the configuration.

Code Quality and Code Style

This package automatically configures the root project for code quality and code style tools. Whenever you run composer install or composer update on the project, it will also update the build tools automatically. The following tools are currently available and can be executed through the composer run command:

Code Style Fixer

The cs-fixer script will fix the coding style in the src/ directory according to the latest Contao coding standards. Create an ecs.php script in your project to extend the default configuration.


The rector script will automatically upgrade the code to match the latest Contao standards.


The phpstan script will check your code with PHPStan. Create a phpstan.neon file in your project to extend the default configuration.


Ideas for additional tools that could be integrated:

Continuous Integration

To make sure your code is always up-to-date, you might want to run all build tools at once but only verify and not fix files. Run composer run build-tools to do this.

Example GitHub Action

# /.github/workflows/ci.yml
name: CI

    push: ~
    pull_request: ~

permissions: read-all

        name: build-tools
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            - name: Setup PHP
              uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
                  php-version: 8.1
                  extensions: dom, fileinfo, filter, gd, hash, intl, json, mbstring, mysqli, pcre, pdo_mysql, zlib
                  coverage: none

            - name: Checkout
              uses: actions/checkout@v3

            - name: Install the dependencies
              run: |
                  composer install --no-interaction --no-progress

            - name: Run all build-tools to validate code
              run: composer run build-tools

Deploying Contao websites

We use Deployer do deploy Contao website to live servers.

To use the Deployer helper, you first need to require Deployer in your composer.json

    "require-dev": {
        "terminal42/contao-build-tools": "dev-main",
        "deployer/deployer": "^7.0"

Example deploy.php


require_once 'vendor/terminal42/contao-build-tools/src/Deployer.php';

use Terminal42\ContaoBuildTools\Deployer;

(new Deployer('', 'ssh-user', '/path/to/php'))
    ->addTarget('prod', '/path/to/deployment', '')
        // some additional directory

Error tracking with

The Terminal42\ContaoBuildTools\ErrorHandlingTrait adds useful Sentry helpers.

  • ErrorHandlingTrait::sentryOrThrow will either log an error/exception to sentry, or it will throw an exception if Sentry integration is not available (e.g. on localhost or in dev environment). It is mostly useful when running looping cronjobs, like synchronizing Contao with a remote system, so an error on syncing a record will not prevent the sync loop from finishing other records.

  • ErrorHandlingTraig::sentryCheckIn has been added for the new Sentry Cron job monitoring. Call sentryCheckIn() without argument to start a check in, and subsequently with a boolean true or false after the job has successfully run or failed.


This is an experimental repository to ease configuration of Deployer for terminal42 Contao websites.



