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SolidSly authored and antonbabenko committed Jan 7, 2020
1 parent b36c673 commit 14b4839
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Showing 39 changed files with 950 additions and 950 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- repo: git://
rev: v1.20.0
rev: v1.21.0
- id: terraform_fmt
- id: terraform_docs
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48 changes: 24 additions & 24 deletions

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50 changes: 25 additions & 25 deletions modules/activemq/
Expand Up @@ -32,57 +32,57 @@ All automatic values **activemq module** is using are available [here](https://g
| auto\_number\_of\_computed\_ingress\_with\_self | Number of computed ingress rules to create where 'self' is defined | number | `"0"` | no |
| computed\_egress\_cidr\_blocks | List of IPv4 CIDR ranges to use on all computed egress rules | list(string) | `[ "" ]` | no |
| computed\_egress\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | List of IPv6 CIDR ranges to use on all computed egress rules | list(string) | `[ "::/0" ]` | no |
| computed\_egress\_prefix\_list\_ids | List of prefix list IDs (for allowing access to VPC endpoints) to use on all computed egress rules | list(string) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_egress\_prefix\_list\_ids | List of prefix list IDs \(for allowing access to VPC endpoints\) to use on all computed egress rules | list(string) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_egress\_rules | List of computed egress rules to create by name | list(string) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_egress\_with\_cidr\_blocks | List of computed egress rules to create where 'cidr_blocks' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_egress\_with\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | List of computed egress rules to create where 'ipv6_cidr_blocks' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_egress\_with\_cidr\_blocks | List of computed egress rules to create where 'cidr\_blocks' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_egress\_with\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | List of computed egress rules to create where 'ipv6\_cidr\_blocks' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_egress\_with\_self | List of computed egress rules to create where 'self' is defined | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_egress\_with\_source\_security\_group\_id | List of computed egress rules to create where 'source_security_group_id' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_egress\_with\_source\_security\_group\_id | List of computed egress rules to create where 'source\_security\_group\_id' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_ingress\_cidr\_blocks | List of IPv4 CIDR ranges to use on all computed ingress rules | list(string) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_ingress\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | List of IPv6 CIDR ranges to use on all computed ingress rules | list(string) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_ingress\_prefix\_list\_ids | List of prefix list IDs (for allowing access to VPC endpoints) to use on all computed ingress rules | list(string) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_ingress\_prefix\_list\_ids | List of prefix list IDs \(for allowing access to VPC endpoints\) to use on all computed ingress rules | list(string) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_ingress\_rules | List of computed ingress rules to create by name | list(string) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_ingress\_with\_cidr\_blocks | List of computed ingress rules to create where 'cidr_blocks' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_ingress\_with\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | List of computed ingress rules to create where 'ipv6_cidr_blocks' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_ingress\_with\_cidr\_blocks | List of computed ingress rules to create where 'cidr\_blocks' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_ingress\_with\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | List of computed ingress rules to create where 'ipv6\_cidr\_blocks' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_ingress\_with\_self | List of computed ingress rules to create where 'self' is defined | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_ingress\_with\_source\_security\_group\_id | List of computed ingress rules to create where 'source_security_group_id' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| computed\_ingress\_with\_source\_security\_group\_id | List of computed ingress rules to create where 'source\_security\_group\_id' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| create | Whether to create security group and all rules | bool | `"true"` | no |
| description | Description of security group | string | `"Security Group managed by Terraform"` | no |
| egress\_cidr\_blocks | List of IPv4 CIDR ranges to use on all egress rules | list(string) | `[ "" ]` | no |
| egress\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | List of IPv6 CIDR ranges to use on all egress rules | list(string) | `[ "::/0" ]` | no |
| egress\_prefix\_list\_ids | List of prefix list IDs (for allowing access to VPC endpoints) to use on all egress rules | list(string) | `[]` | no |
| egress\_prefix\_list\_ids | List of prefix list IDs \(for allowing access to VPC endpoints\) to use on all egress rules | list(string) | `[]` | no |
| egress\_rules | List of egress rules to create by name | list(string) | `[]` | no |
| egress\_with\_cidr\_blocks | List of egress rules to create where 'cidr_blocks' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| egress\_with\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | List of egress rules to create where 'ipv6_cidr_blocks' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| egress\_with\_cidr\_blocks | List of egress rules to create where 'cidr\_blocks' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| egress\_with\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | List of egress rules to create where 'ipv6\_cidr\_blocks' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| egress\_with\_self | List of egress rules to create where 'self' is defined | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| egress\_with\_source\_security\_group\_id | List of egress rules to create where 'source_security_group_id' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| egress\_with\_source\_security\_group\_id | List of egress rules to create where 'source\_security\_group\_id' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| ingress\_cidr\_blocks | List of IPv4 CIDR ranges to use on all ingress rules | list(string) | `[]` | no |
| ingress\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | List of IPv6 CIDR ranges to use on all ingress rules | list(string) | `[]` | no |
| ingress\_prefix\_list\_ids | List of prefix list IDs (for allowing access to VPC endpoints) to use on all ingress rules | list(string) | `[]` | no |
| ingress\_prefix\_list\_ids | List of prefix list IDs \(for allowing access to VPC endpoints\) to use on all ingress rules | list(string) | `[]` | no |
| ingress\_rules | List of ingress rules to create by name | list(string) | `[]` | no |
| ingress\_with\_cidr\_blocks | List of ingress rules to create where 'cidr_blocks' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| ingress\_with\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | List of ingress rules to create where 'ipv6_cidr_blocks' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| ingress\_with\_cidr\_blocks | List of ingress rules to create where 'cidr\_blocks' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| ingress\_with\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | List of ingress rules to create where 'ipv6\_cidr\_blocks' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| ingress\_with\_self | List of ingress rules to create where 'self' is defined | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| ingress\_with\_source\_security\_group\_id | List of ingress rules to create where 'source_security_group_id' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| ingress\_with\_source\_security\_group\_id | List of ingress rules to create where 'source\_security\_group\_id' is used | list(map(string)) | `[]` | no |
| name | Name of security group | string | n/a | yes |
| number\_of\_computed\_egress\_cidr\_blocks | Number of IPv4 CIDR ranges to use on all computed egress rules | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_egress\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | Number of IPv6 CIDR ranges to use on all computed egress rules | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_egress\_prefix\_list\_ids | Number of prefix list IDs (for allowing access to VPC endpoints) to use on all computed egress rules | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_egress\_prefix\_list\_ids | Number of prefix list IDs \(for allowing access to VPC endpoints\) to use on all computed egress rules | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_egress\_rules | Number of computed egress rules to create by name | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_egress\_with\_cidr\_blocks | Number of computed egress rules to create where 'cidr_blocks' is used | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_egress\_with\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | Number of computed egress rules to create where 'ipv6_cidr_blocks' is used | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_egress\_with\_cidr\_blocks | Number of computed egress rules to create where 'cidr\_blocks' is used | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_egress\_with\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | Number of computed egress rules to create where 'ipv6\_cidr\_blocks' is used | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_egress\_with\_self | Number of computed egress rules to create where 'self' is defined | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_egress\_with\_source\_security\_group\_id | Number of computed egress rules to create where 'source_security_group_id' is used | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_egress\_with\_source\_security\_group\_id | Number of computed egress rules to create where 'source\_security\_group\_id' is used | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_ingress\_cidr\_blocks | Number of IPv4 CIDR ranges to use on all computed ingress rules | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_ingress\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | Number of IPv6 CIDR ranges to use on all computed ingress rules | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_ingress\_prefix\_list\_ids | Number of prefix list IDs (for allowing access to VPC endpoints) to use on all computed ingress rules | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_ingress\_prefix\_list\_ids | Number of prefix list IDs \(for allowing access to VPC endpoints\) to use on all computed ingress rules | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_ingress\_rules | Number of computed ingress rules to create by name | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_ingress\_with\_cidr\_blocks | Number of computed ingress rules to create where 'cidr_blocks' is used | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_ingress\_with\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | Number of computed ingress rules to create where 'ipv6_cidr_blocks' is used | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_ingress\_with\_cidr\_blocks | Number of computed ingress rules to create where 'cidr\_blocks' is used | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_ingress\_with\_ipv6\_cidr\_blocks | Number of computed ingress rules to create where 'ipv6\_cidr\_blocks' is used | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_ingress\_with\_self | Number of computed ingress rules to create where 'self' is defined | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_ingress\_with\_source\_security\_group\_id | Number of computed ingress rules to create where 'source_security_group_id' is used | number | `"0"` | no |
| number\_of\_computed\_ingress\_with\_source\_security\_group\_id | Number of computed ingress rules to create where 'source\_security\_group\_id' is used | number | `"0"` | no |
| tags | A mapping of tags to assign to security group | map(string) | `{}` | no |
| use\_name\_prefix | Whether to use name_prefix or fixed name. Should be true to able to update security group name after initial creation | bool | `"true"` | no |
| use\_name\_prefix | Whether to use name\_prefix or fixed name. Should be true to able to update security group name after initial creation | bool | `"true"` | no |
| vpc\_id | ID of the VPC where to create security group | string | n/a | yes |

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