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System requirments:

  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • g++
  • postgresql-server-dev-10
  • node-gyp (via npm install node-gyp -g)

Setup / DevNotes:

  1. Create a passport.ts in the config folder. The file contains the secret for the passport authentification.
 * This file should not be pushed to public repositories as it contains the
 * jwt secret!
export default 'mellon';
  1. Start the database and pgAdmin: docker-compose --f docker-compose-dev.yml up.

  2. Run npm install and then npm run start:dev and


  • gondolin will be available at http://localhost:3000
    • Example rest request: http://localhost:3000/Application/get (rest api is deprecated --> use GraphQL)
  • GraphiQL will be available at: http://localhost:3000/graphql? (Click on RootQueryType) at the right side to get more information about the API.
  • pgAdmin will be available at http://localhost:5050 (admin / admin)

Run via docker / docker-compose

docker build -t gondolin-server .

docker-compose up

Default users

PostgreSQL: gondolin / gondolin

pgAdmin: admin / admin