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Just LiveReload. For Visual Studio Code.


  • Auto-refreshes when watched folder changes.
  • "Hot" reloads linked CSS.
  • Pick any HTML document to use its containing workspace as the server root.
  • Pick any folder as the server root. Serves a simple file explorer when no index.html is present.

Getting Started

  1. Install the extension.
  2. Open a project in VS Code.
  3. Go live in one of three ways:
    • Click the LiveReload button while an HTML document is open.
    • Right-click a folder to open it with LiveReload.
    • Use the command palette while an HTML document is open.


Value Details Default
liveReloadServer.port The port on which LiveServer will listen. If unavailable, the next available port will be chosen. 5500
liveReloadServer.hostname Customize the hostname to auto-open in the browser. "localhost"
liveReloadServer.delay An arbitrary amount of time to wait after a file is saved before triggering a reload. 100


Interpolated Values