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Flutterwave Rave (Rave-Java-Library)

Rave-Java-Library facilitates quick and easy development and integration of Java based applications with the Flutterwave API.

  • Contributors: Theresa Sogunle, Oluwole Adebiyi (KingFlamez)
  • Tags: rave, flutterwave, payment gateway, bank account, credit card, debit card, nigeria, kenya, ghana, international, mastercard, visa, KES, GHC, NGN, Java.

Getting Started


Signup for a test account here

Signup for a live account here

Installation (Jar file)

Skip this installation if you want to use maven, gradle or ivy

  • Download latest Rave-Java-Library jar file from the releases tab
  • Install it and the other needed library dependencies which are contained in the in the releases tab

How to Install Libraries

On Netbeans IDE: Project properties -> Libraries -> Compile -> ADD JAR/folder -> Add Jar

On Intelli J IDEA: File > Project Structure -> Project Settings > Modules > Dependencies > "+" sign > JARs or directories

  • Add a file to your root folder as env.json which will contain your public key, secret key and environment
    "API_KEYS": {
      "ENV": "LIVE",
  • ENV - Either LIVE or STAGING

  • PUBLIC_KEY - Gotten From Your Rave Dashboard

  • SECRET_KEY - Gotten From Your Rave Dashboard

  • Set to go 💪

Installation (Maven)

mvn install to build

To use as library,add this to your pom.xml file



repositories {
    maven {
        url  "" 


<dependency org='com.github.theresasogunle' name='Rave' rev='1.0'>
  <artifact name='Rave' ext='pom' ></artifact>

Visit for more info

Sample Use

  • Getting the list of banks from Flutterwave
import com.rave.Bank;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a bank Object
        Bank B = new Bank();
        // Print all banks with getAllBanks() method
  • Rave Card Charge
import com.rave.Encryption;
import org.json.JSONObject;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args)throws JSONException {
	CardCharge ch=new CardCharge();
         //for master card and verve
             JSONObject charge= ch.chargeMasterAndVerveCard();
            //if timeout
            JSONObject poll=ch.chargeMasterAndVerveCard(true);
       //for visa and intl cards
        JSONObject chargevisa=ch.chargeVisaAndIntl();
	  //if timeout, poll
            JSONObject pollvisa=ch.chargeVisaAndIntl(true);
  • Rave Account Charge
import com.rave.AccountCharge;
import com.rave.Encryption;
import org.json.JSONObject;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws JSONException{
            AccountCharge ch= new AccountCharge();
         JSONObject result=ch.chargeAccount();
            JSONObject poll=ch.chargeAccount(true);
        //Validate The Charge
         //do not forget to set your fields
        //for polling
        JSONObject val=ch.validateAccountCharge(true);
        //without polling
        JSONObject validate=ch.validateAccountCharge());

Classes and Methods

The documentation for each classes and methods

  1. AccountCharge
  2. AlternatePayment
  3. Bank
  4. CardCharge
  5. Encryption
  6. ExchangeRates
  7. Fees
  8. PreAuthorization
  9. Refund
  10. Transaction
  11. IntegrityChecksum

Alternative Payment Methods

Nigerian USSD- GTB and Zenith Bank

For Merchant

  • FOR GTB display *737*50*amount*159#and return flwRef for the customer so as to complete the transaction

For the developer

Ghana Mobile Money

For the developer

Kenya Mpesa

-Display the Mpesa Buisness account number 637747 and the Account number which is returned as orderRef in the charge response.

For the developer


  • Recurring Payments


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.