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Smooth vertical sliding panels using Waypoints.


npm i panelify --save

Basic Usage

Quickstart: see the demo


Panelify requires markup similar to the following (a transparent-padder element is needed to fill the space when overlaying panels):

<div id="transparent-padder"></div>

<div class="panelify">
    Panel 1 content... 
<div class="panelify">
    Panel 2 content...
<div class="panelify">
    Panel 3 content...


Customise as necessary, but a nice and simple example can be found in the demo css.


This is a front end package; the current easiest way to implement it is:

<script src="[Path to node_modules goes here]/panelify/dist/panelify.js"></script>

Then you can call it in your own script like:

// grab and initialise the waypoint offset to bottom-in-view (bottom of each panel)
var panelify = new Panelify();


offset: either 0% or bottom-in-view (default: bottom-in-view)

  • 0%: this triggers the panelify event as soon as the top of the panel is in the viewport (nicer for short content that fits in one 'screen')

    1. Example: var panelify = new Panelify('0%');
  • bottom-in-view (default): this triggers the panelify event when the bottom of the current panel comes into the viewport (better for longer content).

    1. Example: let panelify = new Panelify();
    2. Example: let panelify = new Panelify('bottom-in-view');

minScreenWidth: the minimum screen width (in pixels) where panelify will be triggered and non static (default: 1068)

  • NOTE: anything less than 1068 is not officially supported and shouldn't be used in production.

    1. It will still work on all desktop browsers if decreased (e.g. if a browser is resized)

    2. Phones/Tablets bug out to various degrees (Safari iOS on iPhone/iPad handle it well, except for when the popup menus appear if overscrolled. Android phones bug out for more complicated reasons).


src/panelify.js transpiles, minifies and is copied to dist/panelify.js.


  • Clone/download repo
  • cd to the panelify/ directory
  • npm install


  • webpack - for building once for development
  • webpack --watch - for continuous incremental build in development


  • webpack -p - for building for production (minification)

Browser Support

Desktop: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, IE9+

Tablet/Mobile: None yet. Falls back to static panels (unless defaults are overridden). This is due to issues with the built-in URL/Navigation bars have meant this is still under development.


See issues; general feature improvements are also welcome!


Panelify is licensed under the MIT License.