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WAD to move around
Space to jump
E to open inventory
Drag/drop to move items around
Quickbar does not have any actual capacity, it only reflects the total number of items stored of a bound type.
1,2,3,4 to use quickbar items.
Esc to exit a level (and save)
Q to quicksave
Z to quickload
Use the options menu to switch users.
For "security reasons", existing users are not enumerated and are case sensitive.

10% Audio
    Music on main menu and sfx on projectile bounce
10% Options menu
    Located on main menu
10% Persistent inventory
    Saved per-user and per-level in a single file.
10% Persistent options
    Saved globally, user change does not affect settings
10% Opening menu
    New game will delete the old game save and open a new copy.
    Load game will load the old game save from the current user. 
    If this game save does not exist, a newgame is created instead.
10% Camera/Health
    Camera controlled by keyboard. Health in top left of screen.
5% 3D GUI
    AI health use 3D GUI
15% Inventory + open/close
    Inventory toggled with E. Does not pause the game.
    Three health items and three shot items.
    Maximum items held in one slot: 4
15% Quick items
    4 Quick item slots. Managed with hotkeys.
15% Health items
    3 Health items: red is small, green is medium, blue is full.
5% Waypoints
20% AI enemies
15% AI friend
10% 2 Levels
    Demo without enemies
    Main level with enemies
+10% Login menu
    Accessible from the options section of the main menu