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Tokens Studio Graph Engine Monorepo

NPM version badge License badge

This is the monorepo for the full Tokens Studio ecosystem powered by Turborepo

See the Graph-Engine library here


Run yarn to install dependencies


Run the appropriate dev script for you app or library.

Graph Engine

The graph engine can be run independently of the UI through

yarn run dev:engine

UI for the Engine

yarn run dev:ui

This builds the required deps and then runs the development server for studio. In the case that you might be changing the dependencies of Studio whilst using studio, you can use

yarn run dev:ui:live

which will run live dev for studio and its deps and update the dependencies

Developer documentation

See additional developer documentation here for specifics on how the graph engine works


See the developer API here

Dependency graphs

You should be able to run the dev:<APP_OR_LIB>:graph script to generate a dependency graph pdf in the ./graphs directory.


We use yarn as our package manager. Pnpm causes some issues with libraries that rely on being relative to their source without symlinks

Useful Links

Learn more about the power of Turborepo: