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A nice walk through a maze.

For more information please check out the full documentation

Project Organization

3rdparty/        # third party dependencies
build-scripts/   # build utility scripts
docs/            # documentation
game/            # source files for maze
sponge/          # source files for sponge game engine


Clone this repository.

git clone

Install vcpkg, a dependency and package manager for C++.

Set VCPKG_ROOT to the location where you installed vcpkg

export VCPKG_ROOT <path to vcpkg>

Install CMake, a cross-platform build system.

Now you can use a preset to compile maze. Possible values are: x64-debug, x64-release, osx-debug, osx-release, linux-debug, linux-release

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release --preset x64-release
cmake --build out/build/x64-release --target game --config Release

Or, for Linux

cmake --preset linux-release
cmake --build --preset build-linux

The maze executable will be found in the build directory: out\build\x64-release\maze\Release\maze.exe