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Basic fugitive commands

Stan Le edited this page Jan 3, 2022 · 2 revisions

:G or :Git: start the interactive prompt. You can then move around using vim's movement. Once in this screen, press g? to get a help screen that explains all the commands available.

  • Untracked: not tracked by git.
  • Unstaged: tracked files that have changes in them. Needs to be staged before a commit.
  • Staged: staged files ready to be committed.

To stage a file: move the cursor to the line of that file and press s to add it to the Staged list.

To unstage a file: move the cursor to a staged file and press u to remove it from the Staged list and add it to the Unstaged list.

Then, to commit the changes, press cc. You will then be asked to provide a commit message. Once done you can just :wq it and the commit will commence.

Once you're ready to push your commit, push the commit using :Git push.

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