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Typescript i18n helpers

A full process toolchain to improve i18n performance and efficiency.

New~ All in one solution

Please visit @ts-intl/integration.


Package Version
@ts-intl/integration npm version
@ts-intl/dependency npm version
@ts-intl/dictionary npm version
@ts-intl/eslint-plugin-ts-intl npm version
@ts-intl/shared npm version
@ts-intl/translator npm version

Shared Project Config(^1.1.0)

type ProjectConfig = {
  path: {
    base: string; // project base path(root)

    // paths below all relative to base
    dictionary: string; // locale dictionary(direction) path
    entry: string; // entry(directory) path to collect dependencies
    cache: string; // cache(directory) path to store dependencies cache

  locale: {
    basic: string; // basic locale, fallback to this locale when key not found in current locale
    others: string[]; // other locales

  syntax: {
    nsDivider: string; // namespace divider
    keyDivider: string; // key divider

  integration: {
    funcNamePattern: string; // translate function name pattern to match
    hookNamePattern: string; // hook(generate translate function) name pattern to match
    richNamePattern: string; // translate rich function name pattern to match

  translator?: {
    // translator options
    completionOptions?: {
      preset?: {
        override?: boolean;
        presets?: {
          role: 'system' | 'user' | 'assistant';
          content: string;
          name?: string;
    descriptions?: Record<string, string | undefined>;

  madgeConfig: MadgeConfig; //

Project Config File Initialization

pnpm i @ts-intl/shared
npx ts-intl-init

Then edit ts-intl.config.ts to fit your project.

Project Config Management

import { Project } from '@ts-intl/shared';
// rootPath is dir path where ts-intl.config.ts is located
const project = new Project(rootPath);

// when config file is stable
const projectSingleton = Project.getSingleton(rootPath);

Basic Eslint Rules

pnpm i @ts-intl/eslint-plugin-ts-intl
npx ts-intl-rules

Extends ts-intl.eslintrc.js in your eslint config file.

AI Translator

pnpm i @ts-intl/translator
npx ts-intl-init-translator

Then edit translator-flow.yml and translator-shared.yml to fit your project.

Dictionary Management

pnpm i @ts-intl/dictionary


import { Project } from '@ts-intl/shared';
import { extractProjectDictionary, extractProjectDictionaryWithLocale } from '@ts-intl/dictionary';

const project = new Project(rootPath);

const dictionary = extractProjectDictionary(project, { reader }); // optional: custom reader to cache read file

const dictionaryWithLocale = extractProjectDictionaryWithLocale(project, locale, {
  include, // include ns path
  exclude, // optional: exclude ns path
  entry, // optional: entry path to match keys in dependencies cache file

Then inject dictionary into HTML.


Directly use it if dictionaryWithLocale is injected,

otherwise if dictionary is injected:

import { extractDictionary } from '@ts-intl/dictionary';

const dictionaryWithLocale = extractDictionary(
  include, // include ns path
  exclude, // optional: exclude ns path

Dependency Management

pnpm i @ts-intl/dependency
import { Project } from '@ts-intl/shared';
import { cacheDependenciesRes } from '@ts-intl/dependency';

const project = new Project(rootPath);


Recommend use it in production:

  1. build with script above
  2. pass entry to extractProjectDictionaryWithLocale

Which would optimize dictionary size by only including keys which current page really used.

Work with VSC extension lokalise.i18n-ally

Help to make project more substantial and efficient.



  "i18n-ally.localesPaths": ["src/locales"], // your locale dictionary path
  "i18n-ally.enabledParsers": ["js", "ts", "json"],
  "i18n-ally.keystyle": "nested",
  "i18n-ally.pathMatcher": "{locale}/{namespaces}.json",
  "i18n-ally.namespace": true,
  "i18n-ally.extract.parsers.html": {
    "attributes": ["text", "title", "alt", "placeholder", "label", "aria-label"], // you can add more
    "ignoredTags": ["script", "style"], // you can add more
    "inlineText": true


  "recommendations": ["lokalise.i18n-ally"]


# .vscode/i18n-ally-custom-framework.yml
  - javascript
  - typescript
  - javascriptreact
  - typescriptreact

  # The following example shows how to detect `t("your.i18n.keys")`
  # the `{key}` will be placed by a proper keypath matching regex,
  # you can ignore it and use your own matching rules as well
  - "[^\\w\\d]t\\(['\"`]({key})['\"`]"
  - "[^\\w\\d]t\\.rich\\(['\"`]({key})['\"`]"

# If set to true, only enables this custom framework (will disable all built-in frameworks)
monopoly: true


License: MIT