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An idea born of neccesity for the EXAR-Wellbeing journey!

DocumentDarling, aims to revolutionize document creation and maintenance for organizations by leveraging AI technology to streamline the process of drafting and updating legal, regulatory, safeguarding, and other crucial forms and documents. By incorporating a human-in-the-loop approach, DocumentDarling, ensures the quality and compliance of the final documents while minimizing the time and effort required by human experts.

Demonstration of basic UI:


Proposed Database Schema Mind Map



Automate document creation and maintenance to save time and reduce errors. Utilize AI to review document suitability and suggest updates in line with new requirements. Assist users in document organization and placement based on content. Ensure the tone and content of documents adhere to a master communications policy. Maintain human oversight to approve changes and sign off on completed documents. Key Features:

AI-Powered Document Analysis: The system analyzes existing documents, identifies areas of improvement, and suggests updates according to the latest legal, regulatory, and safeguarding requirements.

Guided Document Creation: DocumentDarling, provides users with templates and guidelines for creating new documents, helping to ensure consistency and compliance with the master communications policy.

Document Organization Assistance: The AI helps users categorize and store documents based on their content, making it easier to locate and manage essential records.

Tone and Content Approval: The AI checks documents for adherence to the organization's master communications policy, ensuring that all content is consistent and professional.

Human-in-the-loop Oversight: The system keeps a human in the loop to approve AI-suggested changes and sign off on completed documents, ensuring the highest level of accuracy and compliance.


Improved efficiency in document creation and maintenance processes. Enhanced compliance with legal, regulatory, and safeguarding requirements. Reduced risk of human error and inconsistencies in documentation. Streamlined document organization and management. Increased user satisfaction and ease of use.


##Next Steps:

Develop a prototype of the AI-powered document analysis and creation system. Conduct user testing and gather feedback to refine the system. Establish partnerships with legal and regulatory experts to ensure compliance with industry standards. Promote DocumentDarling, through marketing campaigns targeting organizations in need of document management solutions. Continuously improve the system by incorporating user feedback and updating the AI to account for evolving legal, regulatory, and safeguarding requirements.

The idea was born of need for a system like this before we embarked on the EXAR-Wellbeing journey!

Next Steps, a technical roadmap Define project scope and requirements: Begin by clearly defining the project scope, including the specific features and functionalities of the prototype. List down the requirements and prioritize them based on their importance and feasibility.

Research libraries and APIs: Investigate existing Python libraries, APIs, and tools that can be utilized to facilitate document parsing, analysis, and natural language processing, such as SpaCy, NLTK, Gensim, and the OpenAI API.

Set up a version control system: Establish a version control system, like Git, to manage your codebase and track changes throughout the development process. This will make collaboration easier and ensure a smooth workflow.

Create a development environment: Set up a dedicated development environment with the required tools, libraries, and dependencies. This may include an integrated development environment (IDE) like PyCharm or Visual Studio Code, and package management tools like pip or conda.

Develop the AI-powered document analysis component: Begin by implementing the functionality to parse and analyze documents, extracting relevant information and identifying areas of improvement. Use NLP techniques to understand the content, and train your model to suggest updates based on legal, regulatory, and safeguarding requirements.

Implement guided document creation: Create templates and guidelines for new documents, and develop a user interface that helps users navigate the document creation process. Integrate AI suggestions to ensure consistency and compliance with the master communications policy.

Build document organization assistance: Develop a system to categorize and store documents based on their content. Implement algorithms to help users find and manage essential records more efficiently.

Develop tone and content approval functionality: Implement a module to check the tone and content of documents against the organization's master communications policy. Train your AI model to recognize and suggest improvements in adherence to the policy.

Integrate human-in-the-loop oversight: Design a user interface that presents AI-suggested changes to human reviewers, allowing them to approve or modify suggestions as needed. Implement a mechanism for human sign-off on completed documents.

Test and iterate: Perform thorough testing of the prototype, focusing on usability, accuracy, and performance. Gather feedback from users and stakeholders, and iteratively improve the system based on their input. Continuously refine the AI model and make updates as needed to keep up with evolving legal, regulatory, and safeguarding requirements. Looking for volunteers, especially related to GDPR and Safeguarding, all help welcome technical or otherwise!

The key roles I would like to talk with are:

#Document Management Specialist

#Records Manager

#Information Governance Analyst

#Compliance Officer

#Data Protection Officer

Proposed Fully Open Source Software Stack; To create a minimal overlap tech stack based on your objectives and using the open-source packages provided, I would recommend the following:

  1. Backend: Django or Flask Both Django and Flask are popular Python web frameworks, but Django comes with more built-in functionality. If you prefer a lighter-weight framework, Flask is a great alternative. Given the objectives, Django seems like a better fit due to its built-in ORM and support for complex applications.

  2. Database: PostgreSQL or MongoDB PostgreSQL is a powerful, enterprise-class relational database, while MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database. Both have their pros and cons, but PostgreSQL's ACID compliance and robust SQL support make it a better choice for managing complex data relationships required for your objectives.

  3. API: FastAPI FastAPI is a modern, high-performance Python web framework that makes it easy to build APIs quickly. It is an excellent choice for creating the API layer to handle AI-powered document analysis and other services.

  4. Data processing and analysis: Pandas, NumPy, and Scikit-learn These libraries are crucial for handling data processing and analysis tasks. Pandas and NumPy can help with data manipulation and computation, while Scikit-learn can be used for AI and machine learning tasks.

  5. Data visualization: Matplotlib or Plotly Both Matplotlib and Plotly are popular data visualization libraries, with Plotly offering more interactive capabilities. Depending on your requirements, you can choose either one.

  6. Validation: Pydantic Pydantic is a great choice for data validation and parsing, making it easier to validate incoming data from APIs and ensuring data consistency.

  7. Task Management: Celery Celery is a powerful asynchronous task queue that can be used to handle background tasks, such as document analysis, ensuring that the application remains responsive.

  8. Error tracking and monitoring: Sentry Sentry is an open-source error tracking solution that can help you monitor and fix issues in real-time.

  9. Containerization: Docker Docker helps to create, deploy, and run applications in containers, simplifying deployment and ensuring consistency across environments.

To summarize, the recommended tech stack would be:

  • Backend: Django
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • API: FastAPI
  • Data processing and analysis: Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-learn
  • Data visualization: Matplotlib or Plotly
  • Validation: Pydantic
  • Task Management: Celery
  • Error tracking and monitoring: Sentry
  • Containerization: Docker

Additional stack softare to consider; there are other fully open-source packages that could be useful for your project, depending on your specific needs. Here are a few additional suggestions:

Natural Language Processing (NLP): spaCy or NLTK If your project involves understanding and processing text, you might need an NLP library like spaCy or NLTK. These libraries offer tools and algorithms to analyze, preprocess, and extract information from text data.

Text search and indexing: Elasticsearch Elasticsearch is a powerful, distributed search engine that can help you build fast and scalable search capabilities for your documents.

Machine Learning Framework: TensorFlow or PyTorch If you need more advanced machine learning capabilities beyond what Scikit-learn offers, consider TensorFlow or PyTorch. Both are popular, open-source machine learning frameworks that offer a wide range of tools for developing and training AI models.

Version Control: Git Git is an essential tool for managing your codebase, allowing you to track changes, collaborate with other developers, and easily revert to previous versions if needed.

Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Jenkins or GitLab CI/CD Implementing a CI/CD pipeline can help automate the building, testing, and deployment of your application, ensuring that your code is always in a releasable state. Jenkins and GitLab CI/CD are popular, open-source solutions for implementing CI/CD pipelines.

Configuration Management: Ansible, Chef, or Puppet These tools help automate the configuration, deployment, and management of your infrastructure, ensuring consistency and reducing manual intervention.

Caching: Redis or Memcached Implementing a caching layer can significantly improve your application's performance by reducing the load on your database and speeding up data retrieval. Redis and Memcached are popular, open-source caching solutions.

Message Broker: RabbitMQ or Apache Kafka A message broker can help with distributed communication and asynchronous processing in your application. RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka are popular open-source message brokers.

##* Features: My project has the following features: #* A Generic Folder Structure To Store Documents Logically. #* A Document Tracker to indicite the documents stored, their location, status and extended details including the role title and user associated with the approval of that document. #* An AI monitor can be connected to a document and provided sources for changes that would impact the documents accuracy over time. #* On finding changes to requirements, the AI will notify the human as indicated by the Document Tracker. #* Document filing assistant, will read an uploaded document and make suggestons as to where that should be filed. #* Granular access to limit document read and write access to appropriate roles. #* Target audience: My project is targeted at the following audience: #* UK Community Interest Companies (CIC's) #* Any organistion seeking to improve document handling #* Organisations seeking to implement best practice #* Organisations seeking to collate and combine diverse sources of documents into a central repository

Installation Instructions:

  • use the createFolders.bat file to create the folder structure on a windows PC, for other platform, this simple code can be given to Bard or chatGPT and you can ask it for a version in your preffered language.

The .bat file will create the following folder structure on Windows.

GDPR ,Data Protection Policy ,Data Subject Access Request Documents ,Data Breach Incident Response Plan ,Other GDPR-related Documents

{ Data Protection Officer (DPO): The DPO is an independent person or team that is responsible for overseeing an organization's compliance with the GDPR. The DPO can be an internal employee or an external consultant.

Compliance Officer: The Compliance Officer is responsible for ensuring that an organization complies with all applicable laws and regulations, including the GDPR. The Compliance Officer may or may not be the same person as the DPO.

Information Security Officer (ISO): The ISO is responsible for protecting an organization's information assets, including personal data. The ISO may or may not be the same person as the DPO or Compliance Officer.

IT Manager: The IT Manager is responsible for the overall management of an organization's IT systems and infrastructure. The IT Manager may be involved in the development and implementation of GDPR-related policies and procedures.

Records Manager: The Records Manager is responsible for the management of an organization's records, including personal data. The Records Manager may be involved in the development and implementation of GDPR-related policies and procedures. } Safeguarding ,Safeguarding Policy ,Incident Reporting Procedures ,Risk Assessments ,Other Safeguarding-related Documents


  • Safeguarding Officer
  • Child Protection Officer
  • Vulnerable Adult Support Worker
  • Safeguarding Coordinator
  • Child Protection Advisor
  • Safeguarding Manager
  • Vulnerable Adult Protection Specialist
  • Safeguarding Trainer/Consultant


Articles of Association ,Articles of Association Document ,Amendment Documents { Lawyer: A lawyer is qualified to draft and review legal documents, such as the Articles of Association.

Company Secretary: A company secretary is responsible for the administration of a company, including the preparation and filing of legal documents.

In-house counsel: An in-house counsel is a lawyer who works for a company and is responsible for providing legal advice to the company.

External consultant: An external consultant is a lawyer or other professional who can be hired to provide advice or assistance with specific tasks, such as drafting the Articles of Association.

} Directors and Board ,Board Meeting Minutes ,Board Member Profiles ,Governance Policies ,Director Appointment Documents

{ Natural persons: Any natural person who is at least 18 years old and has the legal capacity to enter into contracts can be a director of a company. Legal persons: A legal person, such as a corporation or a partnership, can also be a director of a company.

Non-executive directors: A non-executive director is a director who does not have an executive role in the company. Non-executive directors are typically appointed to provide independent oversight of the company's management.

Executive directors: An executive director is a director who has an executive role in the company. Executive directors are typically involved in the day-to-day management of the company.

Independent directors: An independent director is a director who is not an executive director and who does not have any material financial or other interests in the company. Independent directors are typically appointed to provide independent oversight of the company's management.

} Policies and Procedures

{ Human Resources (HR) Department: The HR department is responsible for developing and implementing policies and procedures that govern the company's workforce. This includes policies and procedures on hiring, firing, compensation, benefits, and other matters.

Legal Department: The legal department is responsible for providing legal advice to the company on a variety of matters, including the development and implementation of policies and procedures.

Compliance Officer: The compliance officer is responsible for ensuring that the company complies with all applicable laws and regulations. This includes policies and procedures that are designed to comply with laws and regulations.

Senior Management: Senior management is responsible for setting the company's overall direction and strategy. This includes approving policies and procedures that are consistent with the company's goals and objectives.

Employees: Employees are responsible for following the company's policies and procedures. This includes policies and procedures that are designed to protect the company's interests and the interests of its employees. } ,Code of Conduct ,Conflict of Interest Policy ,Whistleblowing Policy ,Other Policies and Procedures

{ Human Resources (HR) Department: The HR department is responsible for developing and implementing policies and procedures that govern the company's workforce. This includes policies and procedures on hiring, firing, compensation, benefits, and other matters.

Legal Department: The legal department is responsible for providing legal advice to the company on a variety of matters, including the development and implementation of policies and procedures.

Compliance Officer: The compliance officer is responsible for ensuring that the company complies with all applicable laws and regulations. This includes policies and procedures that are designed to comply with laws and regulations.

Senior Management: Senior management is responsible for setting the company's overall direction and strategy. This includes approving policies and procedures that are consistent with the company's goals and objectives.

Employees: Employees are responsible for following the company's policies and procedures. This includes policies and procedures that are designed to protect the company's interests and the interests of its employees.

} Financial Management ,Annual Reports ,Financial Statements ,Tax Filings ,Other Financial Documents


CFO: The CFO is the Chief Financial Officer of a company. The CFO is responsible for the company's financial management, including financial planning, budgeting, accounting, and reporting.

Controller: The controller is the second-in-command to the CFO. The controller is responsible for the day-to-day financial operations of the company, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, and treasury management.

Accountant: An accountant is a professional who is trained in the accounting and financial reporting process. Accountants can work in a variety of settings, including public accounting firms, private companies, and government agencies.

Tax Preparer: A tax preparer is a professional who is trained in the preparation of tax returns. Tax preparers can work in a variety of settings, including public accounting firms, private companies, and government agencies.

Financial Analyst: A financial analyst is a professional who analyzes financial data to make investment decisions. Financial analysts can work in a variety of settings, including investment banks, hedge funds, and private equity firms.

} Stakeholder Engagement ,Stakeholder Engagement Plans ,Stakeholder Feedback ,Communication Strategies ,Other Stakeholder Engagement Documents


Stakeholder Engagement Manager: A stakeholder engagement manager is responsible for developing and implementing a stakeholder engagement plan. They work with stakeholders to understand their needs and concerns, and they develop strategies to address those needs and concerns.

Stakeholder Analyst: A stakeholder analyst is responsible for gathering and analyzing stakeholder feedback. They use this feedback to develop strategies to improve stakeholder engagement.

Communication Manager: A communication manager is responsible for developing and implementing communication strategies. They work with stakeholders to ensure that they are kept informed of the company's activities and that they have a voice in decision-making.

Other Stakeholder Engagement Professionals: There are a number of other professionals who can be involved in stakeholder engagement, such as: Community Organizers: Community organizers work with communities to identify and address their needs.

Public Relations Professionals: Public relations professionals help companies to build positive relationships with the public.

Government Relations Professionals: Government relations professionals help companies to navigate the regulatory environment.

Investor Relations Professionals: Investor relations professionals help companies to communicate with their investors. } Regulatory Compliance ,Legal and Regulatory Filings ,Licenses and Permits ,Compliance Policies ,Other Compliance Documents


Compliance Officer: A compliance officer is responsible for ensuring that a company complies with all applicable laws and regulations. This includes developing and implementing compliance policies and procedures, monitoring compliance, and conducting audits.

Legal Department: The legal department is responsible for providing legal advice to the company on a variety of matters, including compliance with laws and regulations.

Internal Audit Department: The internal audit department is responsible for conducting independent audits of the company's operations, including compliance with laws and regulations.

Senior Management: Senior management is responsible for setting the company's overall direction and strategy. This includes approving compliance policies and procedures and ensuring that the company is in compliance with laws and regulations.

Employees: Employees are responsible for following the company's compliance policies and procedures. This includes policies and procedures that are designed to protect the company's interests and the interests of its employees.

} Risk Management ,Risk Assessments ,Risk Management Plans ,Insurance Policies ,Other Risk Management Documents


Risk Management Officer: A risk management officer is responsible for developing and implementing a risk management framework. They work with stakeholders to identify and assess risks, and they develop strategies to mitigate those risks.

Risk Analyst: A risk analyst is responsible for gathering and analyzing risk data. They use this data to develop risk assessments and to identify trends.

Risk Manager: A risk manager is responsible for overseeing the risk management process. They ensure that the risk management framework is effective and that the company is taking steps to mitigate risks.

Other Risk Management Professionals: There are a number of other professionals who can be involved in risk management, such as:

Insurance Professionals: Insurance professionals help companies to protect themselves against financial losses.

Security Professionals: Security professionals help companies to protect themselves against physical and cyber threats.

Contingency Planners: Contingency planners help companies to develop plans to deal with unexpected events.

} Asset Management ,Property Documents ,Equipment Documents ,Inventory Documents ,Other Asset Management Documents


Asset Manager: An asset manager is responsible for the overall management of a company's assets. This includes the identification, valuation, acquisition, disposal, and maintenance of assets.

Property Manager: A property manager is responsible for the day-to-day management of a company's properties. This includes the leasing, maintenance, and repair of properties.

Equipment Manager: An equipment manager is responsible for the day-to-day management of a company's equipment. This includes the procurement, maintenance, and repair of equipment.

Inventory Manager: An inventory manager is responsible for the day-to-day management of a company's inventory. This includes the ordering, receiving, storing, and issuing of inventory.

Other Asset Management Professionals: There are a number of other professionals who can be involved in asset management, such as:

Accountants: Accountants can help to track the value of assets and to prepare financial statements that reflect the company's assets.

Lawyers: Lawyers can help to draft contracts and to advise the company on legal matters related to assets.

Insurance Professionals: Insurance professionals can help to protect the company against losses that may occur to its assets.

} IT and Software ,IT Infrastructure Documents ,Software Systems Documents ,Cybersecurity Policies ,Other IT and Software Documents


IT Manager: An IT manager is responsible for the overall management of a company's IT infrastructure and systems. This includes the planning, procurement, implementation, and maintenance of IT systems and services.

Software Engineer: A software engineer is responsible for the design, development, and testing of software applications.

Cybersecurity Analyst: A cybersecurity analyst is responsible for the identification, assessment, and mitigation of cybersecurity risks.

Other IT and Software Professionals: There are a number of other professionals who can be involved in IT and software, such as:

IT Architects: IT architects design and plan the overall IT infrastructure of a company.

IT Project Managers: IT project managers oversee the implementation of IT projects.

IT Support Staff: IT support staff provide technical support to users of IT systems and services.


Intellectual Property ,Patents ,Trademarks ,Copyrights ,Other Intellectual Property Documents


Intellectual Property (IP) Attorney: An IP attorney is a lawyer who specializes in intellectual property law. They can help companies to protect their intellectual property rights, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights. IP Counsel: An IP counsel is a lawyer who works in-house for a company and advises the company on intellectual property matters. IP Manager: An IP manager is a non-lawyer who is responsible for the management of a company's intellectual property portfolio. This includes the identification, protection, and exploitation of intellectual property rights. IP Analyst: An IP analyst is a non-lawyer who gathers and analyzes data on intellectual property. This data can be used to identify trends, assess risks, and make strategic decisions. Other IP Professionals: There are a number of other professionals who can be involved in intellectual property, such as: Patent Agents: Patent agents are not lawyers, but they are licensed to represent clients before the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Trademark Agents: Trademark agents are not lawyers, but they are licensed to represent clients before the USPTO. Copyright Agents: Copyright agents are not lawyers, but they can help clients to register their copyrights with the US Copyright Office.

} Compliance Software ,Risk Management Software ,Compliance Tracking Systems ,Regulatory Reporting Tools ,Other Compliance Software Documents


Compliance Officer: A compliance officer is responsible for overseeing the company's compliance with applicable laws and regulations. They may be responsible for developing and implementing compliance policies and procedures, conducting training, and investigating compliance violations.

Risk Manager: A risk manager is responsible for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks that could impact the company's operations, finances, or reputation. They may be responsible for developing and implementing risk management plans, conducting risk assessments, and monitoring risk exposures.

Compliance Manager: A compliance manager is responsible for the day-to-day management of the company's compliance program. They may be responsible for developing and implementing compliance policies and procedures, conducting training, and investigating compliance violations.

Other Compliance Professionals: There are a number of other professionals who can be involved in compliance, such as:

Insurance Professionals: Insurance professionals can help companies to protect themselves against financial losses. They can help companies to identify the risks that they are most exposed to and to purchase insurance policies that will cover those risks.

Security Professionals: Security professionals can help companies to protect themselves against physical and cyber threats. They can help companies to identify and mitigate security risks, such as unauthorized access to computer systems or theft of physical assets.

Contingency Planners: Contingency planners can help companies to develop plans to deal with unexpected events. These events could include natural disasters, cyberattacks, or other disruptions to the company's operations.

} Asset Tracking Software ,Asset Management Systems ,Inventory Management Tools ,Asset Tracking Software Documents ,Other Asset Tracking Software Documents


Asset Manager: An asset manager is responsible for the overall management of a company's assets. This includes the identification, valuation, acquisition, disposal, and maintenance of assets.

Inventory Manager: An inventory manager is responsible for the day-to-day management of a company's inventory. This includes the ordering, receiving, storing, and issuing of inventory.

IT Manager: An IT manager is responsible for the overall management of a company's IT infrastructure and systems. This includes the planning, procurement, implementation, and maintenance of IT systems and services.

Software Engineer: A software engineer is responsible for the design, development, and testing of software applications.

Other Asset Tracking and Management Professionals: There are a number of other professionals who can be involved in asset tracking and management, such as:

Accountants: Accountants can help to track the value of assets and to prepare financial statements that reflect the company's assets.

Lawyers: Lawyers can help to draft contracts and to advise the company on legal matters related to assets.

Insurance Professionals: Insurance professionals can help to protect the company against losses that may occur to its assets. } Human Resources ,Employment Contracts ,Job Descriptions ,Employee Handbooks ,Performance Management Policies ,Other Human Resources Documents


Human Resources (HR) Manager: An HR manager is responsible for the overall management of a company's human resources department. This includes the planning, recruitment, hiring, onboarding, training, development, compensation, benefits, and termination of employees.

HR Specialist: An HR specialist is responsible for a specific area of HR, such as recruiting, hiring, training, benefits, or compensation.

HR Assistant: An HR assistant provides administrative support to the HR department. This includes tasks such as answering phones, scheduling appointments, and preparing reports.

Employment Lawyer: An employment lawyer is a lawyer who specializes in employment law. They can help companies to draft and negotiate employment contracts, comply with employment laws, and resolve employment disputes.

Human Resources Consultant: A human resources consultant is a professional who provides advice and services to companies on a variety of HR matters. This includes tasks such as recruiting, hiring, training, benefits, and compensation.

} Marketing and Communications ,Branding Guidelines ,Social Media Policies ,Public Relations Strategies ,Other Marketing and Communications Documents


Marketing Manager: A marketing manager is responsible for the overall marketing strategy of a company. This includes developing and implementing marketing campaigns, managing marketing budgets, and tracking marketing results. Marketing Specialist: A marketing specialist is responsible for a specific area of marketing, such as advertising, public relations, or social media. Marketing Communications Manager: A marketing communications manager is responsible for developing and implementing marketing communications campaigns, such as press releases, brochures, and website content. Brand Manager: A brand manager is responsible for the overall brand strategy of a company. This includes developing and implementing brand guidelines, managing brand assets, and tracking brand awareness. Social Media Manager: A social media manager is responsible for managing a company's social media accounts. This includes creating and scheduling content, responding to comments, and monitoring social media trends. Public Relations Manager: A public relations manager is responsible for developing and implementing public relations campaigns. This includes building relationships with journalists, writing press releases, and handling media inquiries.

} Grants and Funding ,Grant Applications ,Fundraising Plans ,Financial Reports to Funders ,Other Grants and Funding Documents


Development Officer: A development officer is responsible for raising money for a nonprofit organization. This includes identifying potential donors, cultivating relationships with donors, and soliciting donations.

Grant Writer: A grant writer is responsible for writing grant applications. This includes researching funding opportunities, writing proposals, and managing the grant process.

Fundraiser: A fundraiser is responsible for planning and executing fundraising events. This includes securing sponsors, coordinating volunteers, and promoting events.

Accountant: An accountant is responsible for tracking financial records and preparing financial reports. This includes tracking income and expenses, preparing budgets, and preparing financial statements.

Other Grants and Funding Professionals: There are a number of other professionals who can be involved in grants and funding, such as:

Lawyers: Lawyers can help to draft contracts and to advise the organization on legal matters related to grants and funding.

Public Relations Professionals: Public relations professionals can help to generate publicity for the organization and to build relationships with potential donors.

Marketing Professionals: Marketing professionals can help to develop and implement marketing campaigns to raise awareness of the organization and its fundraising efforts.

} Community Impact ,Impact Reports ,Community Engagement Strategies ,Environmental Policies ,Other Community Impact Documents


Community Engagement Manager: A community engagement manager is responsible for developing and implementing strategies to engage with the community. This includes building relationships with community stakeholders, conducting surveys and interviews, and organizing events.

Environmental Manager: An environmental manager is responsible for developing and implementing environmental policies and procedures. This includes managing waste, recycling, and energy use.

Sustainability Manager: A sustainability manager is responsible for developing and implementing sustainability initiatives. This includes reducing the organization's environmental impact, such as by using renewable energy and reducing water consumption.

Other Community Impact Professionals: There are a number of other professionals who can be involved in community impact, such as:

Community Organizers: Community organizers work to build power and capacity in communities. They do this by organizing people around shared goals, such as improving public services or fighting for social justice.

Social Workers: Social workers help people in need. They do this by providing counseling, case management, and other services.

Healthcare Professionals: Healthcare professionals provide healthcare services to people in need. They do this by providing medical care, counseling, and other services.

} Membership and Stakeholders ,Membership Policies ,Stakeholder Engagement Plans ,Communication Strategies ,Other Membership and Stakeholder Documents {

Membership Manager: A membership manager is responsible for the overall management of a membership organization's membership program. This includes recruiting new members, retaining existing members, and managing member data.

Stakeholder Engagement Manager: A stakeholder engagement manager is responsible for developing and implementing strategies to engage with stakeholders. This includes building relationships with stakeholders, conducting surveys and interviews, and organizing events.

Communication Manager: A communication manager is responsible for developing and implementing communication strategies. This includes creating and distributing content, managing social media, and responding to inquiries.

Other Membership and Stakeholder Professionals: There are a number of other professionals who can be involved in membership and stakeholder engagement, such as:

Accountants: Accountants can help to track membership revenue and expenses.

Lawyers: Lawyers can help to draft contracts and to advise the organization on legal matters related to membership and stakeholder engagement.

Marketing Professionals: Marketing professionals can help to develop and implement marketing campaigns to raise awareness of the organization and its membership program.

} Partnerships and Collaborations ,Joint Venture Agreements ,Collaboration Plans ,Partnership Policies ,Other Partnerships and Collaborations Documents {

Partnership Manager: A partnership manager is responsible for the overall management of a company's partnerships. This includes identifying potential partners, negotiating agreements, and managing the partnership relationship.

Collaboration Manager: A collaboration manager is responsible for the overall management of a company's collaborations. This includes identifying potential collaborators, negotiating agreements, and managing the collaboration relationship.

Business Development Manager: A business development manager is responsible for identifying and developing new business opportunities. This includes networking, researching potential partners, and pitching new ideas.

Sales Manager: A sales manager is responsible for selling a company's products or services. This includes prospecting, qualifying leads, and closing deals.

Other Partnerships and Collaborations Professionals: There are a number of other professionals who can be involved in partnerships and collaborations, such as:

Accountants: Accountants can help to track revenue and expenses related to partnerships and collaborations.

Lawyers: Lawyers can help to draft contracts and to advise the company on legal matters related to partnerships and collaborations.

Marketing Professionals: Marketing professionals can help to develop and implement marketing campaigns to raise awareness of the company's partnerships and collaborations.

} Events and Outreach ,Event Planning Documents ,Outreach Strategies ,Attendance Reports ,Other Events and Outreach


Events Manager: An events manager is responsible for the overall planning and execution of events. This includes identifying event opportunities, developing budgets, securing venues, and managing logistics.

Outreach Manager: An outreach manager is responsible for developing and implementing outreach strategies. This includes identifying target audiences, developing messaging, and managing campaigns.

Marketing Manager: A marketing manager is responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies. This includes identifying target audiences, developing messaging, and managing campaigns.

Communications Manager: A communications manager is responsible for developing and implementing communications strategies. This includes developing content, managing social media, and responding to inquiries.

Other Events and Outreach Professionals: There are a number of other professionals who can be involved in events and outreach, such as: Accountants: Accountants can help to track event revenue and expenses.

Lawyers: Lawyers can help to draft contracts and to advise the organization on legal matters related to events and outreach.

Graphic Designers: Graphic designers can help to create event materials, such as flyers, posters, and invitations.

Videographers: Videographers can help to capture event footage, such as speeches, performances, and interviews.

Photographers: Photographers can help to capture event photos, such as attendees, speakers, and activities.

} Sure, here is a possible way to group the roles for a team of 5 people, with one person good at comms, one tech, one admin, one can do anything and one can do just a little:

Comms: This person would be responsible for all communication with the team and with stakeholders. This could include writing emails, creating presentations, and giving speeches.

Tech: This person would be responsible for all technical aspects of the team's work. This could include setting up and maintaining the team's website, creating and managing databases, and developing software.

Admin: This person would be responsible for all administrative tasks for the team. This could include managing the team's budget, scheduling meetings, and ordering supplies.

Jack-of-all-trades: This person would be able to do a little bit of everything. They could help out with comms, tech, and admin tasks, as well as other tasks as needed.

Can-do: This person is willing to learn and help out with whatever is needed. They may not be an expert in any one area, but they are always willing to pitch in.

This is just one possible way to group the roles for a team of 5 people. The best way to group the roles will depend on the specific needs of the team and the tasks that need to be completed. However, by considering the skills and experience of the team members and the different tasks that need to be completed, you can create a team that is effective and efficient.

  • Minimum Roles

To establish a UK CIC based on the regulations:

At least one director: The director(s) will be responsible for the day-to-day running of the CIC.

At least one secretary: The secretary will be responsible for keeping the CIC's records and minutes of meetings.

At least one treasurer: The treasurer will be responsible for keeping the CIC's finances.

In addition to these minimum requirements, it is also advisable to have a board of directors. The board of directors will be responsible for setting the CIC's strategic direction and overseeing the work of the directors.

The size of the team will vary depending on the size and complexity of the CIC. However, it is important to have a team that has the skills and experience necessary to run the CIC effectively.

Here are some of the skills and experience that are desirable for team members of a UK CIC:

Business administration: This includes knowledge of accounting, finance, and marketing.

Law: This includes knowledge of company law, charity law, and data protection law.

Project management: This includes the ability to plan and manage projects effectively.

Communication: This includes the ability to communicate effectively with stakeholders, including members, staff, funders, and the public.

Teamwork: This includes the ability to work effectively as part of a team.

It is also important to have team members who are committed to the CIC's mission and values.

  • Maximum Roles

To form a comprehensive team that can handle all aspects of running an organization, consider including the following professionals:

GDPR: Hire a data protection and privacy law expert to ensure your organization's compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other relevant privacy laws.

Safeguarding: Engage someone experienced in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults to develop and maintain appropriate safeguarding measures.

Articles of Association: Hire a lawyer to draft or review your organization's Articles of Association, ensuring they comply with legal requirements and best practices.

Directors and Board: Engage someone with corporate governance experience to help manage your organization's board of directors and ensure effective decision-making.

Policies and Procedures: Hire a professional experienced in writing policies and procedures to establish and maintain your organization's internal guidelines.

Financial Management: Employ an accountant or financial analyst to oversee your organization's financial health and ensure responsible financial management.

Stakeholder Engagement: Hire a stakeholder engagement expert to facilitate communication and collaboration between your organization and its stakeholders.

Regulatory Compliance: Engage a regulatory compliance professional to ensure your organization meets all legal and regulatory requirements.

Risk Management: Hire a risk management expert to identify and mitigate potential risks facing your organization.

Asset Management: Employ an asset management professional to manage and optimize your organization's assets.

IT and Software: Hire an IT professional to maintain and improve your organization's technology infrastructure.

Intellectual Property: Engage a lawyer with experience in intellectual property law to protect your organization's intellectual property rights.

Compliance Software: Hire an IT professional with experience in compliance software to help your ocueorganization stay compliant with relevant regulations.

Asset Tracking Software: Employ an IT professional with experience in asset tracking software to manage and track your organization's assets.

Human Resources: Hire a human resources professional to manage your organization's staffing and employee relations.

Marketing and Communications: Engage a marketing professional to oversee your organization's marketing and communication efforts.

Grants and Funding: Hire a grant writer or fundraising professional to secure financial resources for your organization.

Community Impact: Employ a community relations professional to assess and enhance your organization's impact on the community.

Membership and Stakeholders: Hire a membership or stakeholder relations professional to manage relationships with members and other stakeholders.

Partnerships and Collaborations: Engage a partnerships or collaboration professional to form strategic alliances and collaborative initiatives.

Events and Outreach: Hire an events or outreach professional to plan and execute your organization's events and outreach activities.

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