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Releases: typestyle/typestyle

cssRule interpolation and deduping

18 Feb 03:33
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This release updates to the latest version of free-style. This version allows for using $nest in normal cssRule() and includes css rules in css de-duplication.

Move output to `/lib`

13 Nov 21:55
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  • Instead of import * as csx from 'typestyle/csx' you now need to do import * as csx from 'typestyle/lib/csx' this is because previously we made you recompile csx and now we ship the compiled .js files

Key reasons for doing this change:

  • work with ts-loader
  • preserves outDir option for nodejs users
  • The definition .d.ts files are picked up by the ts compiler instead of .ts and so you can use the strictest TypeScript features without having to also recompile our code.