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Normal Assisted Stereo Depth Estimation

Uday Kusupati*, Shuo Cheng, Rui Chen and Hao Su, CVPR 2020

* corresponding author



Accurate stereo depth estimation plays a critical role in various 3D tasks in both indoor and outdoor environments. Recently, learning-based multi-view stereo methods have demonstrated competitive performance with limited number of views. However, in challenging scenarios, especially when building cross-view correspondences is hard, these methods still cannot produce satisfying results. In this paper, we study how to enforce the consistency between surface normal and depth at training time to improve the performance. We couple the learning of a multi-view normal estimation module and a multi-view depth estimation module. In addition, we propose a novel consistency loss to train an independent consistency module that refines the depths from depth/normal pairs. We find that the joint learning can improve both the prediction of normal and depth, and the accuracy and smoothness can be further improved by enforcing the consistency. Experiments on MVS, SUN3D, RGBD and Scenes11 demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and state-of-the-art performance.

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author = {Kusupati, Uday and Cheng, Shuo and Chen, Rui and Su, Hao},
title = {Normal Assisted Stereo Depth Estimation},
booktitle = {IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2020}

How to use



The environment requirements are listed as follows:

  • Pytorch 1.0.1
  • CUDA 10.0
  • CUDNN 7

The following dockers are suggested:

  • pytorch/pytorch:1.1.0-cuda10.0-cudnn7.5-runtime
  • pytorch/pytorch:1.0.1-cuda10.0-cudnn7-runtime


Update 2024 Unfortunately there has been a data loss and most of the prepared training data we provide is lost. The data preparation is still explained in the paper and the pretrained models can still be found from the link mentioned below. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Check out the source code

    git clone && cd NAS

  • Install dependencies

    pip install pillow scipy==1.2.1 argparse tensorboardX progressbar2 h5py blessings scikit-image

  • Prepare Training Data

    • DeMoN datasets

      • Follow data preparation instructions from DPSNet
      • Download normal map data from demon_normals.tar.gz and extract inside dataset directory
      |-- dataset
              |-- new_normals
              |-- preparation
              |-- test
              |-- train
    • ScanNet

      |-- dataset
      |-- scannet
              |-- new_orders
              |-- test
              |-- test_scene.list
              |-- train
              |-- train_scene.list
              |-- val
              |-- val_scene.list
    • SceneFlow datasets

      • Follow dataset download and preparation instructions for "FlyingThings3D", "Driving" and "Monkaa" datasets from GANet and create sceneflow directory.
      • Download sceneflow_normals.tar.gz and extract in sceneflow directory
      |-- dataset
      |-- scannet
      |-- sceneflow
              |-- camera_data
                      |-- TEST
                      |-- TRAIN
              |-- disparity
                      |-- TEST
                      |-- TRAIN
              |-- frames_finalpass
                      |-- TEST
                      |-- TRAIN
              |-- lists
              |-- normals
                      |-- TEST
                      |-- TRAIN
              |-- sceneflow_test.list
              |-- sceneflow_train.list
  • Download pretrained models in pretrained folder


  • Test with the pretrained model without consistency module

    • DeMoN datasets

      python ./dataset/train --ttype2 test.txt -e -np --pretrained-mvdn pretrained/mvdnet_demon.pth.tar --print-freq 1

    • SUN3D

      python ./dataset/train --ttype2 sun_test.txt -e --pretrained-mvdn pretrained/mvdnet_sun3d.pth.tar --print-freq 1

    • ScanNet

      python ./scannet --dataset scannet --ttype2 test.txt --mindepth 0.25 -e --pretrained-mvdn pretrained/mvdnet_scannet.pth.tar --print-freq 1

    • SceneFlow datasets

      python ./sceneflow --dataset sceneflow --ttype2 test.txt -e --pretrained-mvdn pretrained/mvdnet_sflow.pth.tar --print-freq 1

  • Test with the pretrained model with consistency module

    • SUN3D

      python ./dataset/train --ttype2 sun_test.txt -e --pretrained-mvdn pretrained/mvdnet_sun3d.pth.tar --pretrained-cons pretrained/cons_sun3d.pth.tar -tc --print-freq 1

    • ScanNet

      python ./scannet --dataset scannet --ttype2 test.txt --mindepth 0.25 -e --pretrained-mvdn pretrained/mvdnet_scannet.pth.tar --pretrained-cons pretrained/cons_scannet.pth.tar -tc --print-freq 1


  • Training without the consistency module
    • DeMoN datasets

      python ./dataset/train

    • SUN3D

      python ./dataset/train --ttype sun_train.txt --ttype2 sun_val.txt

    • ScanNet

      python ./scannet --dataset scannet --mindepth 0.25

    • SceneFlow datasets

      The primary aim of training on SceneFlow datasets is to compare with GANet, an effective cost aggregation method and we compare it with the cost-aggregation implicitly caused by normal supervision. We set the disparity range to 192 similar to them but we only use 64 levels (sampled uniformly across 192 levels) due to memory constraints. We also set mindepth to 5.45 assuming the focal length to be 1050.0 mm, but for a few scenes with it is adjusted appropriately (factor parameter in

      python ./sceneflow --dataset sceneflow

  • Training with the consistency module
    • SUN3D

      python ./dataset/train --ttype sun_train.txt --ttype2 sun_val.txt -tc

    • ScanNet

      python ./scannet --dataset scannet --mindepth 0.25 -tc


The code heavily relies on code from DPSNet (