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Problem: ABI mismatch in Electron

Eugene Lazutkin edited this page Oct 19, 2020 · 3 revisions

As reported in #79 Electron uses different Node environments when building and running applications. While it usually works fine with pure JavaScript modules, it breaks with native modules due to a possible ABI mismatch. Using Native Node Modules documents the process used by Electron to recompile native modules. Apparently, this process fails when a module uses precompiled assets.

The document instructs to disable fetching precompiled assets and build everything from sources. It provides instructions for node-pre-gyp. While re2 doesn't use node-pre-gyp, it does try to use precompiled assets. To disable this behavior define an environment variable DEVELOPMENT_SKIP_GETTING_ASSET. Any non-empty value will do.

See install-artifact-from-github for more details.