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How to start developing and deploy afterwards


It's a vuejs project. Graphic components with vuetify. The components folder is where you should place new components.

cd client
npm i
npm run serve

This will start the development server. To build use:

npm run build

To deploy (always from the client folder):

install firebase cli:

npm install -g firebase-tools


firebase login

and follow the isntructions printed into the terminal. Then run

firebase deploy --project tron-war-bot

You need the account to deploy


cd backend
npm i
node server.js

Smart Contracts

Game Logic

  • Territories: It represents the number of national territories controlled by the conquerer country. There are 241 countries in the map, once a country controls them all it is declared the winner of the current run.

  • Cohesion: It represents the level of welfare and patriotism of a specific national territory. The higher the cohesion, the more united is the country and the higher is the chance for that country to keep conquering territories.

  • Final conquer quote: It represents the price for a single bet on the final winner which allows to redeem the final jackpot. The price varies depending on jackpot size and the probability of the chosen country to win the full run. The higher the probability or the jackpot, the higher the cost of a single bet. Prices steadily increase over turns, the sooner the bets get placed the higher will be the reward in case of victory.

  • Next conquer %: It represents the exact likelihood for a country to conquer a territory in the upcoming turn. It is calculated considering the size of the conquered borders for a given country times its cohesion index. The more cohesive the country is the higher the chance it keeps on conquering territories. Similarly, the cohesion index affects also the probability for a given territory to rebel on the dominating country.


Big news! You can now support your country and help it winning the Tron World War!!

All you have to do is to mention Tron War Bot's Facebook page together with your favorite country in a post and get likes on that post.

TronWarBot will automatically read your post/comment and update the cohesion of the mentioned country based on the likes of your message, which will drastically increase the winning odds for that country in the Tron World War!

Be creative now!!

The message, if valid, will update the cohesion of the mentioned country with the following criteria:

  • A MENTION of the page. Each is worth +1.0% cohesion point for the mentioned country (or anything in between based on the message energy)

P.S: Each facebook user is entitled to only one mention per week (UTC time).