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Scout is server monitoring for the modern dev team: automatic monitoring of key metrics, 80+ plugins to monitor your apps, real-time (every second) streaming dashboards, and flexibile alerting.

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This a Docker container that runs the Scout monitoring agent, monitoring the host. Full help documentation is available on our help site.

docker screenshot

Quick Start

1. Create a configuration file

Create a file called scoutd.yml (or copy our template). Your account_key is required, all other values are optional. For a list of options, see our scoutd help page.


2. Run the docker image

Run the scout image, mounting the scoutd.yml file. Running the image will first download the image, if it is not already locally available. Run the following command in the directory containing your scoutd.yml file:

docker run -d --name scout-agent \
	-v /proc:/host/proc:ro \
	-v /etc/mtab:/host/etc/mtab:ro \
	-v /var/run/docker.sock:/host/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
	-v `pwd`/scoutd.yml:/etc/scout/scoutd.yml \
	--net=host --privileged scoutapp/docker-scout

Reading host metrics

We want to look at resources on this host, not this container.

The server_metrics Ruby gem used by the scout agent primarily looks at the /proc directory, but, if available, will instead read from /host/proc, which is expected to be shared from the host when running the container (see the above command sample).

The server_metrics gem will also default to reading from /host/etc/mtab (also mounted above), if it exists, to determine the drives mounted on the host. It will recognize theses hosts inside the container if they are mounted by UUID (/dev/disk/by-uuid/XXXXX).

The --net=host flag will allow gathering network metrics from the host.

The --privileged flag will allow gathering the disk capacity metrics from the host.

scoutd config options

Any option may be set in the provided scoutd.yml file. This file must be world-readable and mounted to /etc/scout/scoutd.yml (see above command). For a list of options, see our scoutd help page.

Monitoring Docker Containers

Monitor the resource usage of your running containers with our Docker Monitoring Plugin.

The plugin requires reading from /host/sys/fs/cgroup (mounted above). This mounting is unnecessary if the docker plugin will not be in use.

Questions? Using Docker?

Shoot us an email at or open an issue. Full help documentation is available on our help site.


Scout Agent Dockerfile.







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