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/ go-semver Public

A Go package to deal with semantic versions as defined by


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A Go package to deal with semantic versions as defined at




import ""

Parsing a semantic version string


Retrieving semantic version as a string

// setting up fictitious semantic version
version := Semver{
  Prefix: "v",
  VersionCore: semver.VersionCore{
    Major: 1,
    Minor: 2,
    Patch: 3,
  PreRelease: semver.PreRelease{
    "alpha", "1",
  BuildMetadata: semver.BuildMetadata{

// the magic follows
// v1.2.3-alpha.1+202022022637

Sorting semantic versions

stringVersions := []string{"1.2.1", "3.1.0", "2.0.0", "1.0.0", "2.0.0-alpha"}
semverVersions := semver.Semvers{}
for i := 0; i < len(stringVersions); i++ {
  semverVersion, _ := semver.Parse(stringVersions[i])
  semverVersions = append(semverVersions, *semverVersion)
for i := 0; i < len(semverVersions); i++ {
// 1.0.0
// 1.2.1
// 2.0.0-alpha
// 2.0.0
// 3.1.0

Development Runbook

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Run make deps to pull in external dependencies
  3. Write some awesome stuff
  4. Run make test to ensure unit tests are passing
  5. Push

Continuous Integration (CI) Pipeline

On Github

Github is used to deploy binaries/libraries because of it's ease of access by other developers.


Releasing of the binaries can be done via Travis CI.

  1. On Github, navigate to the tokens settings page (by clicking on your profile picture, selecting Settings, selecting Developer settings on the left navigation menu, then Personal Access Tokens again on the left navigation menu)
  2. Click on Generate new token, give the token an appropriate name and check the checkbox on public_repo within the repo header
  3. Copy the generated token
  4. Navigate to and access the cooresponding repository there. Click on the More options button on the top right of the repository page and select Settings
  5. Scroll down to the section on Environment Variables and enter in a new NAME with RELEASE_TOKEN and the VALUE field cooresponding to the generated personal access token, and hit Add

On Gitlab

Gitlab is used to run tests and ensure that builds run correctly.

Version Bumping
  1. Run make .ssh
  2. Copy the contents of the file generated at ./.ssh/id_rsa.base64 into an environment variable named DEPLOY_KEY in Settings > CI/CD > Variables
  3. Navigate to the Deploy Keys section of the Settings > Repository > Deploy Keys and paste in the contents of the file generated at ./.ssh/ with the Write access allowed checkbox enabled
  • DEPLOY_KEY: generate this by running make .ssh and copying the contents of the file generated at ./.ssh/id_rsa.base64
DockerHub Publishing
  1. Login to, or if you're using your own private one, log into yours
  2. Navigate to your security settings at the /settings/security endpoint
  3. Click on Create Access Token, type in a name for the new token, and click on Create
  4. Copy the generated token that will be displayed on the screen
  5. Enter the following varialbes into the CI/CD Variables page at Settings > CI/CD > Variables in your Gitlab repository:
  • DOCKER_REGISTRY_URL: The hostname of the Docker registry (defaults to if not specified)
  • DOCKER_REGISTRY_USERNAME: The username you used to login to the Docker registry
  • DOCKER_REGISTRY_PASSWORD: The generated access token


Code in this package is licensed under the MIT license (click to see full text))