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About the library

This library contains a set of javascript helper functions designed to allow a more functional style of code.
Each function takes the data upon which to operate as the last argument, and almost all functions can be partially applied with any number of arguments and in any number of operations.
The function reduce of the list package, for example, takes 3 arguments and can be used:

  • Passing all 3 arguments:

    const result = reduce(sum, 0, arrayOfNumbers);
  • Omiting the last argument (the data):

    const waitingData = reduce(sum, 0);
    const result = waitingData(arrayOfNumbers);
  • Omiting the last two arguments:

    const waitingLastTwoArgs = reduce(sum);
    const result = waitingLastTwoArgs(0, arrayOfNumbers);
    // or
    const nowWaitingData = waitingLastTwoArgs(0);
    const result = nowWaitingData(arrayOfNumbers);

Quick notes:

  • This library is meant to be light and simple. For more robust (and heavier) alternatives, check out lodash/fp and ramda.
  • I say that almost all functions can be partially applied because some functions in the lib are used to create functions, and those created functions can't be partially applied by default.


The only way to get this library is through npm.
Use a module bundler like webpack to use it on the browser.

npm install [--save] tolb


This library is distributed as a set of packages, so require the desired package, rather than the module itself:

const object = require('tolb/object');

object.values({ one: 1, two: 2 }); //=> [1, 2]

It's also possible to pull out only a specific function:

const map = require('tolb/list/map');
const { toUpper } = require('tolb/string');

map(toUpper, ['foo', 'bar']); //=> ['FOO', 'BAR']


Each package is represented by a directory inside the src folder, and each function in that package is in its own file. Inside each file you will find a JSDoc comment explaining what the function does. Also, alongside with the source files, you will find test files that may help you to understand each function by showing you some usage examples.
That's the only documentation I have. By now...

A quick note.
Some packages are designed to work with a specific datatype. The functions in the math package, for example, expect numbers, and the functions in the string package expect, well, strings.
If the wrong type of argument is passed, an error may be thrown by the javascript runtime.or the function may fail silently. Make sure to pass the right argument to each function.

The "next" bundle

This module includes a next bundle. The only difference from next to the normal bundle is that it uses es6 module syntax, instead of commonJS.

If you're using a module bundler that takes advantage of the static nature of es6 modules (rollup.js does it, the v2 of webpack does it too), you might want to use this one.

Please, note some differences in the way packages are imported when using the next bundle.
I'm assuming that, because you're using next, you're also using the es6 syntax to do your imports.


const object = require('tolb/object');
const { map } = require('tolb/list');
const compose = require('tolb/combinator/compose');

becomes this:

import * as object from 'tolb/next/object';
import { map } from 'tolb/next/list';
import compose from 'tolb/next/combinator/compose';

Replace tolb/next with tolb in imports

If you're using webpack, you can add the following to your configuration file:

    // ...
    resolve: {
      alias: {
        tolb: 'tolb/next',
    // ...

and then import from tolb

// `keys` will be imported from `tolb/next/object` 
import { keys } from 'tolb/object';