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ValueCraft PoC

ValueCraft is an early stage project, aiming at supporting community currencies on the top of Trustlines network.

This repository contains an early stage proof of concept ValueCraft user interface for ValueCraft. The beginnings is an Android WebView wrapper that is able to run the Trustlines network PoC Webapp within an Android app. Our goal is to gradually move features from the Webapp to the Android side.

To get started, you need to have access to the Trustlines network PoC. At this writing it is still in alpha, basically meaning that you have to get an invitation from someone involved.

Once you have Trustlines PoC access, you can start playing with the ValueCraft PoC code.

Installation instructions

  1. Clone and build the ValueCraft Android app
  2. Install and launch the app on your Android phone
  3. Enter your Trustlines PoC prefix (first time only)
  4. Pair with other people and try the app out

Command line

git clone
gradle build
gradle installDebug
adb shell am start -n fi.iki.pnr.valuecraft.valuecraft/.MainActivity

Android Studio

Preferably, first create a Personal access token at Github (you need repo rights) and configure it to your Android Studio at Preferences...→Version Control→Github. Alternatively, you can use your Github username and password...

Download the project from Github: File→New→Project from Version Control→GitHub

Field Value
Git Repository URL
Parent Directory use default value
Directory name your choice, e.g. ValueCraft

Then simply build and run it: Run→Run 'app' ^R

Enter your Trustlines PoC

Once you have successfully launched the app in your Android device or emulator, for the first run the app asks for your Trustlines PoC prefix. If you don't have one, you cannot use the app.

Pair with others and use

Instructions TBD


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