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Releases: vapor/vapor

4.94.1 - Patch configuration and log actual port on startup

26 Apr 19:56
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What's Changed

Patch configuration and log actual port on startup by @bisgardo in #3160

Before this change, the application

let app = Application(.testing)
defer { app.shutdown() }
try app.server.start(hostname: nil, port: 0)
defer { app.server.shutdown() }

would log the following message before starting the server:

[Vapor] Server starting on

After this change it instead logs a message like the following after starting the server:

[Vapor] Server starting on

The input configuration is also patched such that app.http.server.configuration.port will hold the actual port after startup. Currently if it has value 0 it will keep that value (only app.http.server.shared.localAddress?.port will have the correct one).

Fixes #3159.


Thanks to the reviewers for their help:

This patch was released by @0xTim

Full Changelog: 4.94.0...4.94.1

4.94.0 - Migrate to Async NIOFileIO APIs

24 Apr 01:04
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What's Changed

Migrate to Async NIOFileIO APIs by @0xTim in #3167

This migrates collectFile(at:) and writeFile(_:at:) to use NIO’s async NIOFileIO APIs introduced in

Also adds a new API for streaming files using a AsyncSequence based on the new NIOFileSystem.

This work is required to move the DotEnv support over to an async API to avoid calling wait()s in an async context which can cause issues


Thanks to the reviewers for their help:

This patch was released by @0xTim

Full Changelog: 4.93.2...4.94.0

4.93.2 - Removed streamFile deprecation + deactivated advancedETagComparison by default

23 Apr 23:38
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What's Changed

Removed streamFile deprecation + deactivated advancedETagComparison by default by @linus-hologram in #3177

As discussed on Discord, this PR removes the deprecation and deactivates the lately introduced advanced ETag Comparison for the time being while the revised implementation is worked on.

New Contributor

This patch was released by @0xTim

Full Changelog: 4.93.1...4.93.2

4.93.1 - Remove HeadResponder

23 Apr 11:17
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What's Changed

Remove HeadResponder by @baarde in #3147

The HEAD method is identical to GET except that the server must not send content in the response (RFC 9110, section 9.3.2).

The previous default behaviour of returning 200 OK to every HEAD request to a constant route is not standard-compliant.

The new behaviour is to always forward the request to the GET route, unless the developer explicitely configured a custom HEAD route.

This PR fixes #2680 and #2749.

New Contributor

This patch was released by @0xTim

Full Changelog: 4.93.0...4.93.1

4.93.0 - Advanced ETag Comparison now supported

21 Apr 11:17
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What's Changed

Advanced ETag Comparison now supported by @linus-hologram in #3015

Vapor now supports strong (byte-by-byte) ETag validation and caches ETags for rapid responses. This provides a stronger alternative to the current weak comparison, which only guarantees semantic file equivalence. This new strong comparison is enabled by default and can be deactivated during FileMiddleware initialization if needed. This PR closes #2948.

  • streamFile method was deprecated and replaced by an alternative returning an EventLoopFuture
  • vapor’s unit tests were updated to reflect the changes
  • documentation was updated to reflect the changes

New Contributor


Thanks to the reviewers for their help:

This patch was released by @gwynne

Full Changelog: 4.92.9...4.93.0

4.92.9 - Enabled Request Decompression By Default

21 Apr 10:29
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What's Changed

Enabled Request Decompression By Default by @dimitribouniol in #3175

This enables request decompression by default and sets the decompression limit to 25×.

New Contributor


Thanks to the reviewers for their help:

This patch was released by @gwynne

Full Changelog: 4.92.8...4.92.9

4.92.8 - HTTP2 Response Compression/Request Decompression

19 Apr 21:15
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What's Changed

HTTP2 Response Compression/Request Decompression by @dimitribouniol in #3126

Fixed an issue where HTTP2 didn’t support response compression and request decompression.

It seems like it may have been omitted when adding explicit support for HTTP2. Not sure what to do about testing as I couldn’t find any tests for the HTTP1.1 pathway, but I did verify it works in my pet project 😅

Fixes #3125

New Contributor

This patch was released by @0xTim

Full Changelog: 4.92.7...4.92.8

4.92.7 - Don't set ignore status for SIGTERM and SIGINT on Linux

18 Apr 03:39
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What's Changed

Don't set ignore status for SIGTERM and SIGINT on Linux by @gwynne in #3174

Changes the behavior of ServeCommand’s signal handling setup to more closely match that of swift-service-lifecycle. Hopefully finally solves #2502 🤞

This patch was released by @gwynne

Full Changelog: 4.92.6...4.92.7

4.92.6 - Fix typos across the codebase

08 Apr 13:03
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What's Changed

Fix typos across the codebase by @mrs1669 in #3162

Fixes a number of typos in the codebase.

⚠️ the logger for loading environment files now has the correctly spelt label - dot-env-logger if you need to search for that

New Contributor


Thanks to the reviewers for their help:

This patch was released by @0xTim

Full Changelog: 4.92.5...4.92.6

4.92.5 - Fix some Sendable warnings on 5.10

20 Mar 13:19
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What's Changed

Fix some Sendable warnings on 5.10 by @sidepelican in #3158

Fix a number of warnings in Swift 5.10 like below.

Fix simple issues that can be addressed by simply adding Sendable.

New Contributor

This patch was released by @0xTim

Full Changelog: 4.92.4...4.92.5