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This is a storage adapter for small web projects. Like any other ORM, it stores enitites (objects) into a flexible XML file. This is for developers who want to start a small project without having to spin up a database.


  • A very lightweight approach to persisting data into a single XML file.
  • Drop-in replacement for Doctrine ORM.
  • No database required.
  • No configuration required.
  • No dependencies.
  • No SQL.
  • No migrations.
  • Supports data fixtures.
  • Supports local and external file storage via Flysystem (S3,Azure,Google Cloud,(S)FTP,Redis,etc.)
  • Supports Many-to-one, One-to-many and Many-to-many relationships.
  • Headless API supporting XML, YAML & JSON
  • Supports versioning (using Mercurial or Git) to track and backup a full history.
  • Caching baked-in (Local or Redis)


Read the Documentation

Basic Example

Take a basic entity like this:

class Car {
  public string $make;
  public string $model;
  public Color[] $colors;

  public function __construct(string $make, string $model)
    $this->make = $make;
    $this->model = $model;

Just like Doctrine ORM, by adding PHP8 Attributes, this library knows how to persist the data into an XML file.

use DOM\ORM\Mapping\Fragment;
use DOM\ORM\Mapping\Group;
use DOM\ORM\Mapping\Item;

+ #[Item('car')]
! class Car extends AbstractEntity implements JsonSerializable {
+   #[Fragment]
  public string $make;
+   #[Fragment]
  public string $model;
+   #[Group(entity: Color::class)]
  public Color[] $colors;
  public function __construct(string $make, string $model)
+    parent::__construct();
    $this->make = $make;
    $this->model = $model;

Now you can create a new Car and persist it to the XML file like so:

$car = new Car('Opel', 'Tigra', [new Color('red'), new Color('blue')]);

The resulting XML looks like this:

<item type="car" id="0b58fe63d6da4d7e8c6a12e39adf0bb4">
    <fragment type="make">Opel</fragment>
    <fragment type="model">Tigra</fragment>
    <fragment type="createdAt">2023-11-01 22:00:00</fragment>