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Symfony 4.* + Elasticsearch 6.23. Application includes:

  • Docker (php + nginx + postgres + adminer + Elasticsearch)
  • Codeception
  • XDebug
  • Implementation docs

Install Docker

Create the docker group

$ sudo groupadd docker
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Install docker-compose

Install docker-hostmanager

run docker-hostmanager

$ docker run -d --name docker-hostmanager --restart=always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /etc/hosts:/hosts iamluc/docker-hostmanager

Add ENV file

create .env file from .env.dist file and set correct vars values in it


set alias to network interface

$ sudo ifconfig lo:0 up

Start with Docker

$ docker-compose up -d --build

Install composer libs

$ docker exec -it --user 1000 symfony_4_elastic_search_php_1 composer install

Create database schema

$ docker exec -it --user 1000 symfony_4_elastic_search_php_1 bin/console doctrine:schema:create

Run migrations

$ docker exec -it --user 1000 symfony_4_elastic_search_php_1 bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Load fixtures

$ docker exec -it --user 1000 symfony_4_elastic_search_php_1 bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

Available URLs:

"http://site.symfony_4_elastic_search_local/" - website

"http://adminer.symfony_4_elastic_search_local:8080/" - adminer

Adminer credentials:
System: PostgreSQL
Server: postgres
Username: symfony
Password: 123456


Reference Log in with root and no password. Then configure the sysctl setting as you would for Linux (may not work without it):

$ sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

Elastic Search

Official PHP client


Create index data

$ docker exec -it --user 1000 symfony_4_elastic_search_php_1 bin/console fos:elastica:create  

Populate index data

$ docker exec -it --user 1000 symfony_4_elastic_search_php_1 bin/console fos:elastica:populate  

run all tests under folder

$ docker exec -it --user 1000 symfony_4_elastic_search_php_1 bash
$ cd codeception
$ php ../vendor/bin/codecept run tests/Functional

run one test in debug mode

$ docker exec -it --user 1000 symfony_4_elastic_search_php_1 bash
$ cd codeception
$ php ../vendor/bin/codecept run tests/Functional/SearchCest.php --debug

build tester classes

$ docker exec -it --user 1000 symfony_4_elastic_search_php_1 bash
$ cd codeception
$ php ../vendor/bin/codecept build