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This repository contains a showcase of the Mountebank.

Mountebank is the first open source tool to provide cross-platform, multi-protocol test doubles over the wire. Simply point your application under test to mountebank instead of the real dependency, and test like you would with traditional stubs and mocks.


  • Create a Impostor.
  • Create a Impostor with another default response.
  • Delete a single Impostor.
  • Delete all Impostors.
  • Create a Stub.
  • Create a Stub with Decorator behavior. (Post-processes the response using JavaScript injection before sending it.)
  • Create a Stub with Wait behavior (constant and range timeouts). (Adds latency to a response by waiting a specified number of milliseconds before sending the response.)
  • Create a Stub with Copy behavior. (Copies one or more values from request fields into the response. You can tokenize the response and select values from request fields using regular expressions, xpath, or jsonpath.)
  • Create a Stub with a number of Repeat times. (The repeat behavior allows certain responses to return a certain number of times before moving on to the next response in the array.)
  • Update a Stub from Impostor.
  • Update all Stubs from Impostor.
  • Remove a Stub from Impostor.
  • Matching a stub by Method and Path.
  • Matching a stub by Method, Path and Headers.


  • Imposter: A server representing a test double. An imposter is identified by a port and a protocol. Mountebank is non-modal and can create as many imposters as your test requires.
  • Stub: A set of configuration used to generate a response for an imposter. An imposter can have 0 or more stubs, each of which are associated with different predicates.
  • Predicate: A condition that determines whether a given stub is responsible for responding. Each stub can have 0 or more predicates. (expected request).
  • Response: The configuration that generates the response for a stub. Each stub can have 0 or more responses. (response for the expected request).

Mental Model:

Mountebank Mental Model


Mountebank CLI.
Mountebank API Contracts.
Mountebank UI: Provide samples of how to add impostors, stubs (match criteria, and responses).


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