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@github-actions github-actions released this 22 May 18:49
· 2 commits to main since this release

Fix support for React compiler

Don't set retainLines: true when the React compiler is used. This creates whitespace issues and the compiler is modifying the JSX too much to get correct line numbers after that. If you want to use the React compiler and get back correct line numbers for tools like vite-plugin-react-click-to-component to work, you should update your config to something like:

export default defineConfig(({ command }) => {
  const babelPlugins = [['babel-plugin-react-compiler', {}]]
  if (command === 'serve') {
    babelPlugins.push(['@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx-development', {}])

  return {
    plugins: [react({ babel: { plugins: babelPlugins } })],

Support HMR for class components

This is a long overdue and should fix some issues people had with HMR when migrating from CRA.