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fix(cli): improve cac errors when mixing boolean and dot notation
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AriPerkkio committed May 4, 2023
1 parent a93be56 commit cb7a276
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Showing 4 changed files with 270 additions and 142 deletions.
301 changes: 190 additions & 111 deletions packages/vitest/src/node/cli.ts
@@ -1,140 +1,219 @@
import { normalize } from 'pathe'
import cac from 'cac'
import c from 'picocolors'
import { version } from '../../package.json'
import type { Vitest, VitestRunMode } from '../types'
import type { CliOptions } from './cli-api'
import { startVitest } from './cli-api'
import { divider } from './reporters/renderers/utils'
import { normalize } from "pathe";
import cac from "cac";
import c from "picocolors";
import { version } from "../../package.json";
import type { Vitest, VitestRunMode } from "../types";
import type { CliOptions } from "./cli-api";
import { startVitest } from "./cli-api";
import { divider } from "./reporters/renderers/utils";

const cli = cac('vitest')
const cli = cac("vitest");

.option('-r, --root <path>', 'Root path')
.option('-c, --config <path>', 'Path to config file')
.option('-u, --update', 'Update snapshot')
.option('-w, --watch', 'Enable watch mode')
.option('-t, --testNamePattern <pattern>', 'Run tests with full names matching the specified regexp pattern')
.option('--dir <path>', 'Base directory to scan for the test files')
.option('--ui', 'Enable UI')
.option('--open', 'Open UI automatically (default: !process.env.CI))')
.option('--api [api]', 'Serve API, available options: --api.port <port>, [host] and --api.strictPort')
.option('--threads', 'Enabled threads (default: true)')
.option('--single-thread', 'Run tests inside a single thread, requires --threads (default: false)')
.option('--silent', 'Silent console output from tests')
.option('--hideSkippedTests', 'Hide logs for skipped tests')
.option('--isolate', 'Isolate environment for each test file (default: true)')
.option('--reporter <name>', 'Specify reporters')
.option('--outputFile <filename/-s>', 'Write test results to a file when supporter reporter is also specified, use cac\'s dot notation for individual outputs of multiple reporters')
.option('--coverage', 'Enable coverage report')
.option('--run', 'Disable watch mode')
.option('--mode <name>', 'Override Vite mode (default: test)')
.option('--globals', 'Inject apis globally')
.option('--dom', 'Mock browser api with happy-dom')
.option('--browser [options]', 'Run tests in the browser (default: false)')
.option('--environment <env>', 'Specify runner environment, if not running in the browser (default: node)')
.option('--passWithNoTests', 'Pass when no tests found')
.option('--logHeapUsage', 'Show the size of heap for each test')
.option('--allowOnly', 'Allow tests and suites that are marked as only (default: !process.env.CI)')
.option('--dangerouslyIgnoreUnhandledErrors', 'Ignore any unhandled errors that occur')
.option('--shard <shard>', 'Test suite shard to execute in a format of <index>/<count>')
.option('--changed [since]', 'Run tests that are affected by the changed files (default: false)')
.option('--sequence <options>', 'Define in what order to run tests (use --sequence.shuffle to run tests in random order)')
.option('--segfaultRetry <times>', 'Return tests on segment fault (default: 0)', { default: 0 })
.option('--no-color', 'Removes colors from the console output')
.option('--inspect', 'Enable Node.js inspector')
.option('--inspect-brk', 'Enable Node.js inspector with break')
.option('--test-timeout <time>', 'Default timeout of a test in milliseconds (default: 5000)')
.option('--bail <number>', 'Stop test execution when given number of tests have failed', { default: 0 })
.option("-r, --root <path>", "Root path")
.option("-c, --config <path>", "Path to config file")
.option("-u, --update", "Update snapshot")
.option("-w, --watch", "Enable watch mode")
"-t, --testNamePattern <pattern>",
"Run tests with full names matching the specified regexp pattern"
.option("--dir <path>", "Base directory to scan for the test files")
.option("--ui", "Enable UI")
.option("--open", "Open UI automatically (default: !process.env.CI))")
"--api [api]",
"Serve API, available options: --api.port <port>, [host] and --api.strictPort"
.option("--threads", "Enabled threads (default: true)")
"Run tests inside a single thread, requires --threads (default: false)"
.option("--silent", "Silent console output from tests")
.option("--hideSkippedTests", "Hide logs for skipped tests")
.option("--isolate", "Isolate environment for each test file (default: true)")
.option("--reporter <name>", "Specify reporters")
"--outputFile <filename/-s>",
"Write test results to a file when supporter reporter is also specified, use cac's dot notation for individual outputs of multiple reporters"
.option("--coverage", "Enable coverage report")
.option("--run", "Disable watch mode")
.option("--mode <name>", "Override Vite mode (default: test)")
.option("--globals", "Inject apis globally")
.option("--dom", "Mock browser api with happy-dom")
.option("--browser [options]", "Run tests in the browser (default: false)")
"--environment <env>",
"Specify runner environment, if not running in the browser (default: node)"
.option("--passWithNoTests", "Pass when no tests found")
.option("--logHeapUsage", "Show the size of heap for each test")
"Allow tests and suites that are marked as only (default: !process.env.CI)"
"Ignore any unhandled errors that occur"
"--shard <shard>",
"Test suite shard to execute in a format of <index>/<count>"
"--changed [since]",
"Run tests that are affected by the changed files (default: false)"
"--sequence <options>",
"Define in what order to run tests (use --sequence.shuffle to run tests in random order)"
"--segfaultRetry <times>",
"Return tests on segment fault (default: 0)",
{ default: 0 }
.option("--no-color", "Removes colors from the console output")
.option("--inspect", "Enable Node.js inspector")
.option("--inspect-brk", "Enable Node.js inspector with break")
"--test-timeout <time>",
"Default timeout of a test in milliseconds (default: 5000)"
"--bail <number>",
"Stop test execution when given number of tests have failed",
{ default: 0 }

cli.command("run [...filters]").action(run);

cli.command("related [...filters]").action(runRelated);

cli.command("watch [...filters]").action(watch);

cli.command("dev [...filters]").action(watch);

cli.command("bench [...filters]").action(benchmark);

cli.command("typecheck [...filters]").action(typecheck);

.command('run [...filters]')

.command('related [...filters]')

.command('watch [...filters]')

.command('dev [...filters]')

.command('bench [...filters]')
.action((filters, options) => start("test", filters, options));

try {
} catch (originalError) {
// CAC may fail to parse arguments when boolean flags and dot notation are mixed
// e.g. "--coverage --coverage.reporter text" will fail, when "--coverage.enabled --coverage.reporter text" will pass
const fullArguments = cli.rawArgs.join(" ");
const conflictingArgs: { arg: string; dotArgs: string[] }[] = [];

for (const arg of cli.rawArgs) {
if (
arg.startsWith("--") &&
!arg.includes(".") &&
) {
const dotArgs = cli.rawArgs.filter(
(rawArg) => rawArg.startsWith(arg) && rawArg.includes(".")
conflictingArgs.push({ arg, dotArgs });

.command('typecheck [...filters]')
if (conflictingArgs.length === 0) throw originalError;

.action((filters, options) => start('test', filters, options))
const error = conflictingArgs
({ arg, dotArgs }) =>
`A boolean argument "${arg}" was used with dot notation arguments "${dotArgs.join(
" "
)}".` +
`\nPlease specify the "${arg}" argument with dot notation as well: "${arg}.enabled"`

throw new Error(error);

async function runRelated(relatedFiles: string[] | string, argv: CliOptions): Promise<void> {
argv.related = relatedFiles
argv.passWithNoTests ??= true
await start('test', [], argv)
async function runRelated(
relatedFiles: string[] | string,
argv: CliOptions
): Promise<void> {
argv.related = relatedFiles;
argv.passWithNoTests ??= true;
await start("test", [], argv);

async function watch(cliFilters: string[], options: CliOptions): Promise<void> { = true
await start('test', cliFilters, options) = true;
await start("test", cliFilters, options);

async function run(cliFilters: string[], options: CliOptions): Promise<void> { = true
await start('test', cliFilters, options) = true;
await start("test", cliFilters, options);

async function benchmark(cliFilters: string[], options: CliOptions): Promise<void> {
console.warn(c.yellow('Benchmarking is an experimental feature.\nBreaking changes might not follow semver, please pin Vitest\'s version when using it.'))
await start('benchmark', cliFilters, options)
async function benchmark(
cliFilters: string[],
options: CliOptions
): Promise<void> {
"Benchmarking is an experimental feature.\nBreaking changes might not follow semver, please pin Vitest's version when using it."
await start("benchmark", cliFilters, options);

async function typecheck(cliFilters: string[] = [], options: CliOptions = {}) {
console.warn(c.yellow('Testing types with tsc and vue-tsc is an experimental feature.\nBreaking changes might not follow semver, please pin Vitest\'s version when using it.'))
await start('typecheck', cliFilters, options)
"Testing types with tsc and vue-tsc is an experimental feature.\nBreaking changes might not follow semver, please pin Vitest's version when using it."
await start("typecheck", cliFilters, options);

function normalizeCliOptions(argv: CliOptions): CliOptions {
if (argv.root)
argv.root = normalize(argv.root)
delete argv.root

if (argv.config)
argv.config = normalize(argv.config)
delete argv.config

if (argv.dir)
argv.dir = normalize(argv.dir)
delete argv.dir

return argv
if (argv.root) argv.root = normalize(argv.root);
else delete argv.root;

if (argv.config) argv.config = normalize(argv.config);
else delete argv.config;

if (argv.dir) argv.dir = normalize(argv.dir);
else delete argv.dir;

return argv;

async function start(mode: VitestRunMode, cliFilters: string[], options: CliOptions): Promise<Vitest | undefined> {
async function start(
mode: VitestRunMode,
cliFilters: string[],
options: CliOptions
): Promise<Vitest | undefined> {
try {
const ctx = await startVitest(mode,, normalizeCliOptions(options))
if (!ctx?.shouldKeepServer())
await ctx?.exit()
return ctx
catch (e) {
console.error(`\n${' Unhandled Error '))))}`)
const ctx = await startVitest(
if (!ctx?.shouldKeepServer()) await ctx?.exit();
return ctx;
} catch (e) {
`\n${" Unhandled Error "))))}`

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