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Open Source 'Kid Safe Browser' Starting from Holkein WebView Browser . vmars316 I am starting with Hokein's Webview Browser . To develop this into a openSource 'kid safe browser' . First thing is to read in a "SafeSites.txt" file .

I started programming at age 26 in 1969 with IBM mainfram 360/30 , using Cobol , BAL , and RPG . A few months ago , I strted writting my KidSfeBrowser (for my GrandKids) in PureBasic . But soon learned of its grave limitations , a Procedural Language like all the above . So I restarted in VS2019 (learning & .vb) , And completed the Browser . But turns out it uses only IE11 , which turns out many websites can't handle . So I tried WebView , but also a NOGO . So I switched to WebView2 and sarted learnng C# . And I got to the part where it can't doesn't yet handle the HtmlDOM . So I am tried the InjectJavascript business , But it is now a backBurner WIP . I am putting all my efforts into developing a nodejs , Eletron , 'Kid Safe Browser' . Please , excuse my unorthedox use of github , until I master it . I put my current problem in a file called CurrentProblem . Thanks

'browser-wip.js' is the code I am currently Wip/Debugging . In this code you will see lots of these write-to-console 'console.log("vm " + " readSafeLinks() 1 " ' , these are my method of getting to know the program , studying the program Flow . "


Open Source 'Kid Safe Browser' Starting from Holkein WebView Browser .







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