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VOST Portugal API

Digital Volunteers in Emergency Situations

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Project setup

The easiest way to get the API started is using Docker compose.

Container Matrix

Service / Project Container Name Host:Port
MariaDB vost_mariadb localhost:3306
NGINX vost_nginx localhost:80 / api.vost.test:80
Redis vost_redis localhost:6379


Make sure to add api.vost.test to the /etc/hosts file, so it can be properly resolved: api.vost.test

Running the infrastructure

Jump start the VOST API with the following command:

docker-compose up --detach --build

Once the services are all up and running, you should see the following output:

Starting vost_api           ... done
Starting vost_mariadb       ... done
Starting vost_redis         ... done
Starting vost_nginx         ... done
Starting vost_test_database ... done

In order to run commands (composer, artisan, ...) in the API container, log into it via:

docker exec -it vost_api bash

Once logged in, finish the configuration by following these steps:

Install dependencies:

composer install

Copy the .env file:

cp .env.example .env

Generate an encryption key:

php artisan key:generate

Generate a JWT secret key:

php artisan jwt:secret

Execute the migrations and seeders:

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

Jobs/Tasks & Commands

In order to run the scheduled tasks automatically, make sure the main job scheduler is properly set in the system cron table:

* * * * * cd /path/to/the/project/root && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

Each available job/task, has a corresponding artisan command for local development and testing purposes.

Scope Description Class Runs every Artisan command
ProCiv Fetch ProCiv occurrences OccurrenceFetcher 5 minutes php artisan prociv:fetch:occurrences
ProCiv Close ProCiv occurrences OccurrenceCloser 30 minutes php artisan prociv:close:occurrences
IPMA Fetch IPMA warnings WarningFetcher 30 minutes php artisan ipma:fetch:warnings
IPMA Fetch IPMA surface observations SurfaceObservationFetcher 30 minutes php artisan ipma:fetch:surface-observations
API Bust API response cache ResponseCacheBuster 5 minutes php artisan api:bust:response-cache

NOTE: Job/Task & Command output is sent to the application log file (storage/logs/laravel-YYYY-MM-DD.log).


The best way to handle queues is using Supervisor.

Once installed, add the following configuration (with the proper adaptations) and start the service.

command=php /path/to/api/artisan queue:work redis --sleep=3 --tries=3

For local development, the easiest way to test queued jobs is by running the following command:

php artisan queue:listen

API documentation

Documentation for the available API endpoints can be accessed locally or online.


To run the tests, execute:

vendor/bin/phpunit --testdox


Contributions are always welcome, but before anything else, make sure you get acquainted with the CONTRIBUTING guide.



This project is open source software licensed under the MIT LICENSE.


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