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Cphayim edited this page Feb 26, 2022 · 2 revisions
  • Monorepo
  • Multi - package split logic, combined release
  • Pure ESM, since v1.0.1


Monorepo was used for the repository and initially I planned to use yarn + lerna to manage the workspace and dependency distribution, but after more than half a year of evaluation in other projects, I decided to use pnpm + changeset instead, as it seems to be more concise and flexible than the previous solution

Multi - package split logic, combined release

@vrn-deco/cli is split from a single package into multiple sub-packages, all of which are prefixed with @vrn-deco/cli-. Each sub-package is only responsible for implementing its own functional logic, and they also depend on each other for reuse, and finally the functionality of all sub-packages is aggregated to @vrn-deco/cli.

Each sub-package is a separate npm package, but the version number is managed uniformly (unlike the vrn-boilerplate repository)

For example, there are two packages, a and b, both with version 1.0.0.

When a releases patch because of fix, a and b are both updated to 1.0.1

When b releases Minor because of feat, both a and b are updated to 1.1.0

Whenever a package changes in the repository, all packages are synchronized with the updated version

Finally, these packages are build and published in a uniform topological order

Pure ESM

Well, it was a impulsive decision, and it wasn't in the original plan. The reason for this is that there has been a wave of ESMization in the community over the last half year, led by Sindresorhus, and the fact that since Node.js 14.13.1, ESM is no longer marked as an experimental feature, and many libraries that were originally written in CommonJS or compiled as CommonJS libraries have been converted to Pure ESM. After all, this is the future trend of Node.js and browser unification, so I started to explore how to convert packages from my own repository to Pure ESM.

Thanks to Sindresorhus for the article Pure ESM package, everything went smoothly and following that guide I managed to convert all packages in the repository to Pure ESM and run it successfully in ^14.13.1 || >=16.0.0 of Node.js. Unfortunately, as of February 2022, Jest didn't have very good support for ESM, so I had a lot of trouble testing it and very few valid solutions to the problem on Google, but it was solved

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