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A small console program for automating rqiner benchmarks. Mainly created for selecting a variant of the miner with the best performance (it/s).


ℹ️ It is highly recommended to download every latest available variant of rqiner for your OS.

  1. Get the latest build from the Releases page.
  2. Open your preferred terminal and run the appropriate command from below.

⚠️ Make sure to change the values of the given argument examples below. '--miners' must point to a folder containing the miner executables, '--threads' is the amount of threads that will be used by the benchmark and '--duration' must specify a time format like this: 'hours:minutes:seconds'. Minimum duration allowed is 10 seconds. A 'help' command is also included by specifying only '--help' or -h'.


.\RqinerBenchmark.exe --miners "folder/path/to/rqiner/variants" --threads 420 --duration 00:00:00


.\RqinerBenchmark --miners "folder/path/to/rqiner/variants" --threads 420 --duration 00:00:00


1. Prerequisites (Visual Studio Installer)

  • .NET desktop development

2. Install .NET 8

  • Make sure you have .NET 8 installed on your machine.
  • If not installed, download and install it from here.

3. Clone

  • Open your terminal and navigate to the directory where you want to clone this repository.

  • Clone

git clone
  • Open the .sln file, restore the nuget packages and you're done.
