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Web à Québec website

🚀 Quick start

  1. Clone repository

    Fire up your terminal and clone the repository using SSH wherever you might want to on your computer

    git clone
  2. Install packages 📦

    Navigate into the site’s directory and install packages

    cd webaquebec/
    yarn install
  3. Create a new feature or fix branch

    git checkout -b my-feature-branch
  4. Start developing 👩‍💻

    Start it up (Never stop, never stop...)

    yarn develop
  5. Open the code and have fun!🤘

    The site is now running at http://localhost:8000!

    Edit src/pages/index.js to see your site update in real-time!

Commit early, commit often

Whenever possible, try to commit your changes as soon as you have a small piece of code working. We're following conventional commits in order to standardize our commit messages. We're using commitizen with gitmoji as tools to apply those conventions.

  1. Commit your changes

      yarn commit
  2. Select the type of change

     ? Select the type of change you're committing:
       seed          🌱  Adding or updating seed files.
       flags         🚩  Adding, updating, or removing feature flags.
       animation     💫  Adding or updating animations and transitions.
     ❯ style         🎨  Improving structure / format of the code.
       perf          ⚡️  Improving performance.
       prune         🔥  Removing code or files.
       fix           🐛  Fixing a bug.
     (Move up and down to reveal more choices)
  3. Select a scope (Not necessary at that stage. Press Enter to skip that one)

    ? Select the type of change you're committing: ui      💄  Updating the UI and style files.
    ? Specify a scope:
  4. Write a short description

    Make your commit messages meaningful using a semantic style

    ? Select the type of change you're committing: ui      💄  Updating the UI and style files.
    ? Specify a scope:
    ? Write a short description: Adjust button padding
      (40/75 characters)
  5. Provide a longer description (optional. Press Enter to skip that one)

      ? Select the type of change you're committing: ui       💄  Updating the UI and style files.
      ? Specify a scope:
      ? Write a short description: :lipstick:   Adjust button padding
      ? Provide a longer description:
  6. Provide a longer description in case of a BREAKING CHANGE commit (Press Enter to skip that one if not applicable)

      ? Select the type of change you're committing: ui       💄  Updating the UI and style files.
      ? Specify a scope:
      ? Write a short description: :lipstick:   Adjust button padding
      ? A BREAKING CHANGE commit requires a body. Please enter a longer description of the commit itself:
  7. List any issue closed by indicating their respective id number (Press Enter to skip that one if not applicable)

      ? Select the type of change you're committing: ui       💄  Updating the UI and style files.
      ? Specify a scope:
      ? Write a short description: :lipstick:   Adjust button padding
      ? A BREAKING CHANGE commit requires a body. Please enter a longer description of the commit itself:
      ? List any issue closed (#1, #2, ...):
  8. You're done!

Push and Pull Request

  1. Once you commit all your changes, now you're ready to push your branch to the remote repository.

      git push origin my-feature-branch
  2. Go to the repository and make a Pull Request.

Documentation and more


Le site du Web à Québec Nouvelle édition ✨







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