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Remove tslint in favour of eslint (#834)
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* chore: created eslint configs in each package

- fixed typescript types
- removed tslint commands
- fixed tests

* chore: removed comment

* chore: removed lines that belong to tslint
  • Loading branch information
ematipico committed Apr 20, 2019
1 parent dc941e6 commit 06b4929
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Showing 93 changed files with 3,365 additions and 3,599 deletions.
105 changes: 28 additions & 77 deletions .eslintrc.js
@@ -1,110 +1,61 @@
module.exports = {
"root": true,
"plugins": ["node"],
"extends": ["eslint:recommended", "plugin:node/recommended"],
"env": {
"node": true,
"es6": true,
"jest": true
extends: ["eslint:recommended"],
env: {
node: true,
es6: true,
jest: true
"parserOptions": { "ecmaVersion": 2017, "sourceType": "module"},
"rules": {
parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 2017, sourceType: "module" },
rules: {
"no-useless-escape": "off",
"quote-props": ["error", "as-needed"],
"no-dupe-keys": "error",
"quotes": ["error", "double"],
quotes: ["error", "double"],
"no-undef": "error",
"no-extra-semi": "error",
"semi": "error",
semi: "error",
"no-template-curly-in-string": "error",
"no-caller": "error",
"yoda": "error",
"eqeqeq": "error",
yoda: "error",
eqeqeq: "error",
"global-require": "off",
"brace-style": "error",
"key-spacing": "error",
"space-in-parens": ["error", "never"],
"space-infix-ops": "error",
"indent": ["error", "tab", { "SwitchCase": 1 }],
indent: ["error", "tab", { SwitchCase: 1 }],
"no-extra-bind": "warn",
"no-empty": "off",
"no-multiple-empty-lines": "error",
"no-multi-spaces": "error",
"no-process-exit": "off",
"no-trailing-spaces": "error",
"no-use-before-define": "off",
"no-unused-vars": ["error", { "args": "none" }],
"no-unused-vars": ["error", { args: "none" }],
"no-unsafe-negation": "error",
"no-loop-func": "warn",
"space-before-function-paren": ["error", "never"],
"space-before-blocks": "error",
"object-curly-spacing": ["error", "always"],
"object-curly-newline": ["error", { "consistent": true }],
"keyword-spacing": ["error", {
"after": true,
"overrides": {
"const": { "after": true },
"try": { "after": true },
"throw": { "after": true },
"case": { "after": true },
"return": { "after": true },
"finally": { "after": true },
"do": { "after": true }
"no-console": "off",
"valid-jsdoc": "error",
"node/no-unsupported-features": ["error", { "version": 6 }],
"node/no-deprecated-api": "error",
"node/no-missing-import": "error",
"node/no-missing-require": [
"resolvePaths": ["./packages"],
"allowModules": [
"node/no-unpublished-bin": "error",
"node/no-unpublished-require": [
"object-curly-newline": ["error", { consistent: true }],
"keyword-spacing": [
"allowModules": [
"node/no-extraneous-require": [
"allowModules": [
after: true,
overrides: {
const: { after: true },
try: { after: true },
throw: { after: true },
case: { after: true },
return: { after: true },
finally: { after: true },
do: { after: true }
"no-console": "off",
"valid-jsdoc": "error",
"eol-last": ["error", "always"],
"newline-per-chained-call": "off",
"node/process-exit-as-throw": "error"
"newline-per-chained-call": "off"
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions .github/
Expand Up @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ In case you are suggesting a new feature, we will match your idea with our curre
* You can run the linters:

npm run lint && npm run tslint
npm run lint

### Using yarn
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ In case you are suggesting a new feature, we will match your idea with our curre
* You can run the linters:

yarn lint && yarn tslint
yarn lint

## Editor Config
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -37,3 +37,4 @@ yarn.lock

# source maps of docs
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions bin/.eslintrc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
module.exports = {
root: true,
plugins: ["node"],
extends: ["../.eslintrc.js", "plugin:node/recommended"],
env: {
node: true,
es6: true,
jest: true
parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 2017, sourceType: "module" },
rules: {
"node/no-unsupported-features": ["error", { version: 6 }],
"node/no-deprecated-api": "error",
"node/no-missing-import": "error",
"node/no-missing-require": [
resolvePaths: ["./packages"],
allowModules: [
"node/no-unpublished-bin": "error",
"node/no-unpublished-require": [
allowModules: [
"node/no-extraneous-require": [
allowModules: [
"node/process-exit-as-throw": "error"
23 changes: 11 additions & 12 deletions bin/utils/prompt-command.js
Expand Up @@ -31,20 +31,20 @@ const npmGlobalRoot = () => {
const cp = require("child_process");
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const command = cp.spawn("npm", ["root", "-g"]);
command.on("error", (error) => reject(error));
command.stdout.on("data", (data) => resolve(data.toString()));
command.stderr.on("data", (data) => reject(data));
command.on("error", error => reject(error));
command.stdout.on("data", data => resolve(data.toString()));
command.stderr.on("data", data => reject(data));

const runWhenInstalled = (packages, pathForCmd, ...args) => {
const package = require(pathForCmd);
const func = package.default;
if (typeof func !== 'function') {
const currentPackage = require(pathForCmd);
const func = currentPackage.default;
if (typeof func !== "function") {
throw new Error(`@webpack-cli/${packages} failed to export a default function`);
return func(...args);

module.exports = function promptForInstallation(packages, ...args) {
const nameOfPackage = "@webpack-cli/" + packages;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,19 +102,18 @@ module.exports = function promptForInstallation(packages, ...args) {
case "y":
case "yes":
case "1": {

runCommand(packageManager, options)
.then(_=> {
.then(_ => {
if (packages === "init") {
.then((root) => {
.then(root => {
const pathtoInit = path.resolve(root.trim(), "@webpack-cli", "init");
return pathtoInit;
.then((pathForInit) => {
.then(pathForInit => {
return require(pathForInit).default(...args);
.catch((error) => {
.catch(error => {
process.exitCode = 1;
Expand Down

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