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@wessberg wessberg released this 07 Jun 20:22
· 26 commits to master since this release

New Features

ts-evaluator is now based on ESM and requires Node v14.19.0 (BREAKING CHANGE)

Now that TypeScript v4.7 is out, it has finally received great support for ES modules in a Node.js environment that aligns with how it has been implemented across Node.js and browsers.

Because of this, now is a good time to make ts-evaluator a type: "module" package. However, it still provides a CommonJS fallback. If your codebase is still based on CommonJS, you should be fine. Please know however, that ts-evaluator requires an environment running Node v14.19.0 or newer going forward.

TypeScript v4.7 support

ts-evaluator now supports TypeScript v4.7 and its new features.

New presets: NODE_CJS and NODE_ESM

Nowadays, Node.js files may either be based on CommonJS or ES Modules, and depending on which it is, the execution environment has some differences. For example, in a CommonJS based Node.js file, globals like require, __dirname, and __filename is available, whereas import.meta is available in an ES Module based Node.js file.

To reflect this, two new Lexical Environment presets have been added to ts-evaluator:

  • NODE_CJS - An alias for NODE.
  • NODE_ESM - Assumes an ESM-based Node.js environment. This means that built-in modules such as fs and path can be resolved, and Node-specific globals such as process is present, as well as ones that are only present in an ESM-based Node.js environment, such as import.meta.

Support for evaluating and import.meta

ts-evaluator can now handle syntax, as well as import.meta syntax inside ES Modules.
