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Devon Zara edited this page Mar 24, 2023 · 6 revisions

Hello and welcome to Dev Directory! This is a service built by the 100devs community, for the 100devs community. Our goal is to provide a platform that allows members to find and connect with other members with similar skills/interests. Whether you're seeking a study partner, mentor, mentee, or people to pair program with, we're here to help you achieve your goals.

Communication Channels

Coordination for this project happens in the discord thread, in Discord voice channels, and in GitHub Issues/Discussions.


If you're interested in joining, just give @timmyichen a holler on Discord or make an issue here. Discord is the preferred method of communication for joining. GitHub is preferred for things that we want to have a record of later, or refer to in PRs.

To join, just indicate interest in the discord channel, and leave your GitHub username so Tim can add you to the GitHub repo as a collaborator. That's about it!

Technology Stack

TypeScript is used throughout the stack.



Developer Experience:


  • Jest for unit and acceptance testing
  • Cypress for frontend/end-to-end testing
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