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Tx Sitter Monolith

A monolithized version of the tx-sitter.


The Tx Sitter can be configured in 2 ways:

  1. Using the config file, refer to and config.toml for more info

  2. Using env vars. Every field in the config can also be set via an env var. For example the following config

     escalation_interval = "1m"
     host = ""
     disable_auth = true
     connection_string = "postgres://postgres:postgres@"
     kind = "local"

    Can also be expressed with env vars


Testing locally

Copy .env.example to .env or set RUST_LOG=info,service=debug to have logging.

  1. Spin up the database docker run --rm -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust -p 5432:5432 postgres
  2. Spin up the chain anvil --chain-id 31337 --block-time 2
  3. Start the service cargo run

This will use the config.toml configuration.

If you have nushell installed, nu can be run to execute a basic test.

Running tests

While you obviously can run tests with

cargo test --workspace

some tests take quite a long time (due to spinning up an anvil node, sending txs, etc.).

Therefore I recommend cargo-nextest as it runs all the tests in parallel. Once installed

cargo nextest run --workspace

can be used instead.