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Electron App Template With Auto-Updater

status Electron version GitHub Release Date

This is a template repository for an Electron app with an auto-update menu option (Help -> Check for updates). Trigger the auto-update code within app.on('ready') to have auto updates on start up. The auto-updater uses electron-updater to check app version against GitHub Releases, and updates the app if necessary.

Note: Releases must be on a public repository for auto-updates to work. If you want to keep your code private, create a separate repository, make these changes, and create releases there.

Check out the guide in this repository's wiki to create your own Electron app with an auto-updater!


Table of Contents


To get started on an Electron app using this template, create a repository from this template and install all dependencies with:

$ npm install

Then run with:

$ npm start

Things to change

Make sure to change the following in package.json

  • App name, version, description, etc
  • "build":{"appId"} to be your release repository
  • Set your app icon path in build

And change the following in index.js

  • Menu links in menuTemplate variable
  • Window titles
  • Change icon path

Starting your own Electron project

If you are completely new to npm and/or Electron, I have outlined what this code does and the steps I have taken to create this repository in the wiki.

Resources used