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YAML GDExtension for Godot 4.x

Does not support object serialization. Objects will be parsed as a string "<ClassName#InstanceID>"


Downloads are at releases


Currently only pre-built windows builds are available, other platforms see Compiling

Head to releases and place the godot_rust_yaml folder into your addons folder

YAML.parse(str: String)

Returns a dictionary of parsed YAML or a string if an error had occured

var parsed_yaml = YAML.parse("foo: bar") # {"foo":"bar"}
if typeof(parsed_yaml) != TYPE_DICTIONARY:
# do stuff with dictionary

YAML.to_string(input: Dictionary)

Returns a string of YAML or an error if it had occured

print(YAML.to_string({"foo":"bar"})) # foo: bar


Requires rust

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Navigate to /addons/godot_rust_yaml/rust/
  3. To find a version of Godot 4, the library expects either an executable of name godot4 in the PATH, or an environment variable GODOT4_BIN containing the path to the executable (including filename)
  4. Run cargo build and/or cargo build --release for debug/release builds respectively
  5. The project should now be runnable in the godot editor for debugging, your binary files will be in res://addons/godot_rust_yaml/rust/target/