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Sample implementation of OAUTH2 using Hydra

This repository will explain you about:

  • How to create an Authentication Server and then use ory/hydra as Authorization server
  • How to implement "Sign With {put-your-app-name}" for single identity management for your app. This exactly the same as building "Sign Up using Google" or similar services for your own app.

How to run, step by step

Clone this repository. Then run go mod download.

Run ory/hydra server

This will run using Postgres as database and Jaeger as a tracing vendor.

$ docker-compose up

Create an OAUTH2 client

This will create an OAUTH2 client using hydra cli. Otherwise, you can also create using REST API.

$ docker-compose exec hydra hydra clients create \
--endpoint \
--name MyApp \
--id myclient \
--secret mysecret \
--grant-types authorization_code,refresh_token \
--response-types code,id_token \
--callbacks http://localhost:1234/callbacks \
--token-endpoint-auth-method client_secret_post \
--scope offline,users.write,,users.edit,users.delete


curl -X POST 'http://localhost:4445/clients' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "client_id": "myclient",
    "client_name": "MyApp",
    "client_secret": "mysecret",
    "grant_types": ["authorization_code", "refresh_token"],
    "redirect_uris": ["http://localhost:1234/callbacks"],
    "response_types": ["code", "id_token"],
    "scope": "offline users.write users.edit users.delete",
    "token_endpoint_auth_method": "client_secret_post"

Please note scope is separated by space.

If you made wrong request params, you cannot create with the same client id, You must delete it first by doing this:

docker-compose exec hydra hydra clients delete --endpoint <client-id>


curl -X DELETE 'http://localhost:4445/clients/<client-id>'

Run Identity Provider (Resource Server)

$ go run cmd/authc/main.go

Run OAuth 2.0 Client App

$ REDIRECT_URL=http://localhost:1234/callbacks CLIENT_ID=myclient CLIENT_SECRET=mysecret go run cmd/frontend/main.go

Access the client App

Access http://localhost:1234 then try to authorize the application.

Include HTML in Binary

$ go get -u
$ go-bindata -o views/view.go -ignore=view.go views/...