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It's a DevOps tool, highly configurable job chains.

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How to use it.

Fork it, add your steps' scripts into jobchain/step folder.

Step script

The script file name of step should not start with _, but you can put your common or useful functions into it.

For each step script, there is a function named run that can accept the parameters defined in the configuration file and can return any value which will be temporarily saved for the following steps.


The configuration file format is YAML, the configuration file contains three parts, separately are repositories, template and variable.

  • repositories
    It contains repositories, each repository contains jobs, each job contains ordered steps.
    This is an example:

            deploy_repository: ->
            branch: release/${release_version}


    • In the above example, defined a repository named bamboo-framework, and four jobs under it, separately named daily, start-release, update-release and finish-release, each job contains ordered steps.
    • About the step, its name is the same as the step script file name but without the extension, and the parameters are defined under it.
    • In some cases, we have to use the same step more than once in a job, so allowed give the step a alias name to identify it. For example, the step checkout with a alias name web can be defined in format checkout.web.
  • template
    Since allowed define multiple repositories and jobs, they will share the step definitions, if we already defined the step templates we can just reference them with the step name.
    In repositories section, if you reference a step (with alias) which has been defined in template section, will inherit the parameters and allowed you override them.

  • variable
    Allow define the variables that can be shared in steps, also you can override them by pass the command arguments with -e option.
    For each variable, contains two options, separately are parser and value.

    • parser
      It's a function expression or a string contains a function expression(with force convert the return value of the function into a string). It allowed placing the value into the expression with the placeholder {}.
      For example: $split({}); will parse the input value into an array; $split({}); in a string will pass the input value into the function split, then convert its return value into a string, finally, will insert the return value into the function expression position.
      Or even more complex, $eval({}[:-7] if {}.endswith('-plugin') else {});, do you know what does it meaning?
    • value
      It can be a variable expression or a valid object defined as YAML format. Will not use the predefined value in YAML if passed the same variable from the command.

Variable expression

There are three types of variable expressions, separately are internal variable, variable and function expressions.

  • internal variable
    Format: '\$\{((\d+)?(?:\.(?:\w+|\[[\w\.]+\]))*)\}'
    Explain: ${stepIndex.keys}
    Example: ${0.context.repository}, ${3.[].images}
    The index 0 is using for global variables, and the step-index is starting from 1. If step-index is missing means scoped/local variables.
    Will show an example to explain how to use the step variables.

            repository: ${}
            jar: ${2.auth-service.path}

    In the above example, the first step is checkout, this step will return a dict contains a key directory to represent the full directory path of the checked out repository, can pass it into step maven by reference it with an expression ${}. The step docker_build accept an argument jar, its value is referencing to the return value of the step maven.
    About Scope/Local variable, its lifecycle is limited in step, for example, can reference an error message in event handler with an expression ${.error.message}.
    Predefined global variables

    Variable Name Description
    ${0.context.repository} Repository Name
    ${0.context.job} Job Name
  • variable
    Format: \${([a-zA-Z][\w\-_]+)}
    Explain: ${variable_name}
    Example: ${release_version}
    This kind of expressions is for reference to the environment variables which accepted from the command line.

  • function
    Format: \$([a-zA-Z_]+)\((.*)\);
    Explain: $function_name(...arguments);
    Example: $split('');
    Also allowed define the custom functions for different purposes, the function scripts are placed into folder function.
    Only a builtin function named eval not placed into folder function, can use it to execute a snippet of python script. For example: $eval({}[:-7] if {}.endswith('-plugin') else {});

Event handler

It allowed defining event handlers in global, repository, job and step scopes.

Now only support two event types, they are success and error, the event handler format is _on_${event_name}, thus for success event handler is named as _on_success.

The event handler only accepts two arguments, separately are name and args, name is the same as the file name of event handler script but without the extension, args is for event handler arguments.

The event handler search path is from inner to outside, that is step, job, reposiotry and repositories.

To access the error object, can use the scoped/local variable expression, the error objects are defined in jobchain/exception/


pip install

Command line

python -m jobchain -h


I've created an example put under example/devops branch.


It's a DevOps tool, highly configurable job chains.






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