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Project Description

This project is designed to ...

Initialization Steps

To initialize the project, follow these steps:

  1. Set up the network configuration in the .env file:

Note: The POLYGON_WEB3_URL should be obtained from for the Polygon testnet RPC node. The POLYGON_WEB3_PRIVATE_KEY are the private keys required for deploying test contracts and executing test case. You can export the private keys from Metamask.

  1. Obtain the gas token for the Polygon testnet.

  2. Execute the following command to deploy the test contracts:

    npx hardhat run tests/deploy.ts

How to Use

Call the normal batch execution function

export async function populateFun1(requests: Request[]): Promise<{
  to: string;
  data: string;
  value?: BigNumberish;
  gasLimit: BigNumberish;
  maxFeePerGas?: string;
  maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string;
  gasPrice?: string;
}> {
  const artifact = await artifacts.readArtifact("TransferMulticall");
  const factory = new ethers.ContractFactory(artifact.abi, artifact.bytecode);
  const calldata = factory.interface.encodeFunctionData("batchTrasnfer", [ => v.functionData),

  return {
    to: TransferMulticall_POLYGON_ADDRESS,
    data: calldata,
    value: 0,
    gasLimit: BigNumber.from("100000").mul(requests.length),
    maxFeePerGas: null,
    maxPriorityFeePerGas: null,
    gasPrice: parseUnits("10", "gwei").toString(),
export function buildFunctionData1(amount: string): string {
  return parseUnits(amount, "ether").toString();

A contract that supports the multicall method

export async function populateFun2(requests: Request[]): Promise<{
  to: string;
  data: string;
  value?: BigNumberish;
  gasLimit: BigNumberish;
  maxFeePerGas?: string;
  maxPriorityFeePerGas?: string;
  gasPrice?: string;
}> {
  const factory = (await ethers.getContractFactoryFromArtifact(
    await artifacts.readArtifact("TransferMulticall")
  )) as TransferMulticall__factory;
  const calldata = factory.interface.encodeFunctionData("multicall", [ => v.functionData),

  return {
    to: TransferMulticall_POLYGON_ADDRESS,
    data: calldata,
    value: 0,
    gasLimit: BigNumber.from("100000").mul(requests.length),
    maxFeePerGas: null,
    maxPriorityFeePerGas: null,
    gasPrice: parseUnits("10", "gwei").toString(),
export async function buildFunctionData2(
  to: string,
  amount: BigNumber
): Promise<string> {
  const factory = (await ethers.getContractFactoryFromArtifact(
    await artifacts.readArtifact("TransferMulticall")
  )) as TransferMulticall__factory;
  return factory.interface.encodeFunctionData("accept", [to, amount]);