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django_callable_perms implements a modular registry of permission handlers. Handlers can be registered as simple permission callbacks, following the Django has_perm parameters.

All permission callbacks may implement the permission checks they need. As we talk about callbacks, meaning executable code, you can put everything you need in there.


Django itself misses support for row level permissions. You may add this using authentication backends and there are existing apps to implement this. Anyways most of these solutions will add some overhead and cannot provide really flexible permissions.

django_callable_perms do not care about which permissions you want to implement but fit row level permissions really well. So lets start with the real example. Given a model like this:

class Article(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    author = models.ForeignKey(User)

You may want to add permissions checks, so only the author is allowed to edit his/her articles. Now django_callable_perms may be used to add simple checks like the following:

# may be put into inside the app
from django_callable_perms import register
from .models import Article

def author_may_always_edit(user, perm, obj):
    # no additional database query needed!
    if obj.author_id ==
        return True

    'app.change_article', # permission name
    author_may_always_edit, # callback function
    Article, # model, for which the permission check is implemented
             # may be "None", if no instance is required

Permission checks afterwards just follow default Django behavior. Use {% get_obj_perms %} inside templates.

{% get_obj_perms for user accessing obj as obj_perms %}
{% if %}
    {# show edit link #}
    <a href="...">Edit</a>
{% endif %}

Note: If you need your own permissions you do not need to add them to the database (see Django docs), most of the time it's enough to just register the new permissions.


Add django_callable_perms to INSTALLED_APPS (for autoloading) and add django_callable_perms.backends.CallablePermissionBackend to your AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS.

Make sure to put django_callable_perms into your Python PATH first, of course.

Additional Features


Will load all's inside the INSTALLED_APPS.


Management command to create all app permission inside the database. May be used to initialize the database. Will not (meaning never) add more than the default Django permissions.